英语人>网络例句>get away with 相关的网络例句
get away with相关的网络例句

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与 get away with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unit 3 means of transportation by all means by means of by this/ that means by no means follow one's advice as follows in time and space have a new experience from get away from get out of get rid of instead of doing try to do sth try doing sth get close go for a hike watch out protect…from … in a few days' time as with go off see sb off be similar to say "Hi" to sb say sorry to sb.

a form of used to do on the other hand at least at most find out arrive at/in pick up 第三单元交通方式一定;务必通过…的方式通过这种/那种方式决不,一点也不听从某人的劝告如下在时空中在…中拥有新的经历离开;逃离从…中出来;逃避摆脱,除去而不是干某事尽力去做尝试去做接近…去远足,郊游注意;当心保护…使不受几天之后;离…还有好几天正如…一样走开;离去为某人送行和…相似向某人问候向某人道歉拒绝某事以…的形式过去常常另一方面最少;最多找出;弄清楚到达…接上下车;捡起 4 高一各单元重难点高一各 36。

Get away the beaker and put it on the board of the fuming hood when the reaction is over. Remove the leftover into the stainless steel basket till the beaker is cooled., open the tap when the wasted liquid has flowed away. Clean the chip with DI water, then it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for 5 minutes.


At the same time close the door of the fuming hood. Get away the beaker and put it on the board of the fuming hood when the reaction is over. Remove the leftover into the stainless steel basket till the beaker is cooled., open the tap when the wasted liquid has flowed away. Clean the chip with DI water, then it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for 5 minutes.


Get away the beaker and put it on the board of the fuming hood when the reaction is over. Remove the leftover into the stainless steel basket till the beaker is cooled., open the tap when the wasted liquid has flowed away. Clean the chip with DI water, then it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for 5 minutes./ r '8 T9 A' \* r


I know there is an arrangement between Bill Gates and his wife on his annual get-away with one of his ex-girlfriends, but I did not realize it was Ann Winblad until today.


Get away from it all with a weekend get-away.


So we have witnessed a series of improvisations or "deals" whose underlying aim is to rescue as much of the financial system as possible in as generous a way as policymakers think they can get away with.


Before then, although physicists knew that light was a quantum phenomenon, they had been able to get away with using the old wave-based descriptions.


This is why Anouilh or Cocteau get away with the old Greek myths in their plays.


Ms. Le Guin said."Why do they think they can violate my copyright and get away with it?"

Le Guin女士说&为什么他们认为自己可以侵犯我的版权,并逃脱了?&

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Get Away With Murder
Let's Get Away With It

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
