英语人>网络例句>geopotential 相关的网络例句

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与 geopotential 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This dissertation focuses on the spherical wavelet expansion of the earth gravity field and its application. Based on the concept of the integration approaches and radial basis functions the spherical wavelet is put forward, with that the earth gravity field is described in a new way, and some other researches are conducted, they are: spherical wavelet regularization, multiscale approximation of satellite gravity measurement, down continuation of airborne geavimetry data, the least squares properties of geopotential wavelet approximation, the spherical wavelet solution of two kinds of BVP and spherical selective multiscale reconstruction.


In the low-low satellite to satellite gravity mission, the intersatellite range and range-rate data are the observable values, while the intersatellite acceleration can be derived from the range-rate through digital differential. Using acceleration data, people can avoid solving the variation equations of the satellite motion and simplify the observation equations. But on the other side, the digital differential will amplify the observation noises and finally affect the solved geopotential accuracy.


Fig.5 depicts the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude 300-hPa geopotential height field.

图 5 给出南半球中纬度 300 百帕位势高度场。

This is found to result from the existence of negative orography in this low-resolution model. It is shown that, over the grid-points where orography height is negative, there exists false sensible heat source that leads to warmer temperature and higher geopotential height.


The negative anomaly of sand dust days in the Northwest chinacompanied with the negative anomaly of geopotential height in the north Pacific, theabnormal strong 500hpa ridge of high pressure, and the abnormal high geopotentialheight field in the extratropical latitude of Asia, and vice versa.


The Singular Vector Decomposition analysis of monthly data of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and OAFlux reanalysis data for wintertime is used to study the relationship between the Kuroshio anomalous heating and the North Pacific geopotential height at 500 hPa.


Model results show that snow anomaly in spring can cause the thickness anomaly in the troposphere and trigger a wave train of geopotential height anomalies from western Europe extending to East Asia at 500 hPa by changing the distribution of the soil moisture and temperature in succeeding summer.

结果表明,春季积雪异常通过改变其后夏季的土壤湿度和温度分布,造成对流层厚度场的异常,激发一个从欧洲西部到东亚的500 hPa 高度场异常波列。

By using the routine surface data and 500hPa geopotential height of the northern hemisphere the climatological features of ?


The tests of WHU-GM-05 series are performed by multi-comparisons, which include the comparisons between the model series and several analogous international geopotential models including EIGEN-GRACE series and GGM02S with respect to the corresponding degree variances and geoidal heights, and comparisons of the model geoidal heights with GPS leveling in the area of U.S.


The latest geopotential model, EGM96, was employed to compute the free air gravity anomaly, geoidal separation, the average density anomalies of the crust and the uppermost mantle, and the distribution pattern of the viscous stress exerted by mantle convection over Xinjiang and its neighboring areas.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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