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In recent years, the importance of the globus pallidus in the normal and malfunctioned basal ganglia is emerging.


A Computational Model of Action Selection in the Basal Ganglia.

以计算机辅助观察基底核的行为模式选择 II。

However, the gray matter was relatively spared, and the basal ganglia and brainstem relatively unaffected.


Objective To explore the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of infantile trau- matic basal ganglia infarction.


Results: the location, shape and number of the sympathetic ganglia were quite variable, and there was 1 to 6 in number unilaterally. Lumbar sympathetic trunk divided into 2-3 branches at the distal part were found in 12 sides. Lumbar arteries were all located under the lumbar sympathetic trunk and the lumbar veins, consisting (68.42+4.35)% situated superficially to the trunk, mainly in L4 arid L5 veins. Genitofemoral nerve pierced psoas muscle at the level of L2-L4 or its intervertebral disc (0.83±0.48) cm away from the medial edge of psoas muscle.


In 15 cases(32.61%),infarcts also appeared as wedge-shaped areas on CT or MRI,but located at marginal zones between the middle cerebral arteries and posterior cerebral arteries,the patient mailnly showed mild hemiparesis,hemianopia and apathy. In 13 cases(28.26%),the long-line or triangle shaped infarcts areas usually located at marginal zones between the superficial and deep territory of the middle cerebral arteries in the basal ganglia and posterolat eral angulus frontalis.


Results There were 22 lacunar infarction cases, 1 case large area infarction, and 8 cases with small bleeding in the thalamus, 1 case with large bleeding in the basal ganglia of 9 cases intracerebral hemorrhage. Hemichorea appeared in 27 cases within 24 hours, 5 cases within 1 week. All received aloperidin, the symptom disappeared in27 cases(84.4%).

结果 32例偏侧舞蹈症病例中脑梗死23例(腔隙性脑梗死22例,大面积脑梗死1例),脑出血9例(丘脑少量出血8例,基底节区大量出血1例);脑卒中后24h与1周内出现偏侧舞蹈症症状分别为27例和5例;应用氟哌啶醇治疗后症状消失27例。

Parkinson s disease is a degenerative disease of the basal ganglia causing tremor at rest, muscle rigidity and hypokinesia Gene therapy is most likely to cure PD completely, and the most promising one among all the treating ways But its effectiveness and safety have a strong relationship with the vectors chosed This article introduces some usually used virus vectors and their characteristics as well as the trend of virus vector in PD s gene therapy


Methods Clinical and imaging features of 15 cases (5 men, 10 women; mean age 39.7 years) with intraosseous ganglia were retrospectively analyzed.

方法回顾性分析经病理证实的 15例骨内腱鞘囊肿的临床及影像资料,男 5例,女 10例,平均 3 9.7岁。

Early CT signs in the deep MCA territories were divided into three grades according to their anatomic location: grade I, normal basal ganglia with hypodensity localized to the insula; grade II, partial obscuration of the posterolateral part of the putamen; and grade III, hypodensity of the entire lentiform nucleus.


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Poet Laureate

Given the language of section 102(2), the Supreme Court's rejection of substantive review under NEPA seems unjustifiable in principle


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of variable hip abduction orthosis on children spastic cerebral palsy.


But eventuality can be cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radical different from today and unrecognizable compared with yesterday.
