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与 galileo 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Four hundred years ago, Galileo turned his telescope on the Milky Way and announced it to be "... a congeries of innumerable stars ..."


The best example of their conservativeness would probably be the case of how they had treated Galileo.


A recent service contract for the Mirach 100/5 for use at the Integrated Test Range of the Indian Ministry of Defence achieved positive results and SELEX Galileo is now pursuing the opportunity to sell complete target drone systems.

最近的服务合同是向印度国防部的综合测试靶场提供Mirach 100/5,该合同已取得积极成果,目前SELEX伽利略公司正在寻求机会出售全套目标靶机系统。

So why did Galileo stick to his Copernican views?


Galileo was imprisoned for popularizing the Copernican theory and for his other contributions to scientific thought.


Galileo was a famous Italian scientist by whom the Copernican theory was further proved correct.


This image taken by the space probe galileo at a distance of 2 , 400 km captured ida and its tiny companion , dactyl .


During its examination of the asteroid ida , the galileo spacecraft discovered a second object , dactyl - the first confirmed satellite of an asteroid


The Doge, his advisers and the admirals of the enetian navy were taking it in roms to peer through Galileo's already improved telescope from the top of Saint Mark's Cathedral.


This space of emplacement was opened up by Galileo.


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Galileo Was Wrong

Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
