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fuss over相关的网络例句

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与 fuss over 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Virginia the Democrat made a huge fuss about a thesis Mr McDonnell wrote two decades ago expressing Cro-Magnon views (which he has now distanced himself from) about feminism. But swing voters didn't seem to care. A governor has little sway over people's private lives, but plenty over transport policy.


And, most emblematic of all, is the fuss over the four metres at the building's spire.


As fans we tend to make fuss over every single game, but as a coach, he should think on levels well above that, he needs to look forward, eying on big pictures


However, i have noticed one thing that is very different from western tarot forums: you guys are making too much a fuss over the tarot ritual, while ignoring the deeper meanings of each card and what they represent in their astrological and symbological appearance.

然而, 我注意了是非常与西部tarot论坛不同的一件事:你们做许多忙乱在tarot仪式,当忽略每张卡片的更加深刻的意思,并且时什么他们在他们的占星术和symbological出现上代表。

As for the tabloid fuss over her relationship with Mayer, she says:"Love just shows up and you go,'Oh, wow, this is going to be a hayride and a half.'"


As for the tabloid fuss over her relationship with Mayer, she says:"Love just shows up and you go,'Oh, wow, this is going to be a hayride and a half.'"


As for the tabloid fuss over her relationship with Mayer, she says: Love just shows up and you go,'Oh, wow, this is going to be a hayride and a half.


As for the tabloid fuss over her relationship with Mayer, she says:"Love just shows up and you go,'Oh, wow, this is going to be a hayride and a half.'"


There was more than a little resentment of outlanders making such a fuss over their king: although he had been master of all, John had been more like a simple fiefholder to the townsmen of Erchester.


These provide an approach to the drawing process without all the fuss over scale and placement on the drawing sheet that accompanied hand drafting, since these can be adjusted as required during the creation of the final draft.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
