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与 funeral 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such, too, was kindliness of heart that he had funeral ceremonies performed for the lower classes even at the public expense; and in the case of one foolish fellow, who, in a search with divers confederates for an opportunity to plunder the city, continually made speeches from the wild fig-tree on the Campus Martius, to the effect that fire would fall down from heaven and the end of the world would come should he fall from the tree and be turned into a stork, and finally at the appointed time did fall down and free a stork from his robe, the Emperor, when the wretch was hailedo before him and confessed all, pardoned him.


That is why the Funeral Speech, written of a small provincial city in the untried youth of the world, will always find an echo whenever men and nations are living true to themselves, whether in the trenches of Mukden or in the cemetery of Gettysburg.


Pakistan army soldiers board into a vehicle as they leave after attending funeral prayer of their comrade Nadeem Moeen-ud-Din, who was killed in the Saturday's helicopter crashed, Sunday, Oct.


A Palestinian woman and child grieved at the funeral of brothers Nael and Mansour Al-Batneji in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

以色列本周二空袭中炸死的巴勒斯坦人亲属在葬礼上恸哭。深圳婚纱摄影摄影师:Eyad Baba

A Palestinian woman and child grieved at the funeral of brothers Nael and Mansour Al-Batneji in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

以色列本周二空袭中炸死的巴勒斯坦人亲属在葬礼上恸哭。摄影师:Eyad Baba 3 }5 d9 E+ r$ a+ z8 N2 l

FAMILY GRIEVES \ 悲伤的家庭 A Palestinian woman and child grieved at the funeral of brothers Nael and Mansour Al-Batneji in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

周三在加沙地带拉法,一名巴勒斯坦妇女和她的孩子在Nael和Mansour Al-Batneji两兄弟的葬礼上痛哭。

A Pa les tinian woman and child grieved at the funeral of brothers Nael and Mansour Al-Batneji in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

以色列本周二空袭中炸死的巴勒斯坦人亲属在葬礼上恸哭。摄影师:Eyad Baba

A Palestinian woman and child grieved at the funeral of brothers Nael and Mansour Al-Batneji in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

猛击进入:影火虫,海量美图尽收眼底以色列本周二空袭中炸死的巴勒斯坦人亲属在葬礼上恸哭。摄影师:Eyad Baba

Great puddingy thighs in black pudding-cloth, or lean wooden sticks in black funeral stuff, or well-shaped young legs without any meaning whatever, either sensuality or tenderness or sensitiveness, just mere leggy ordinariness that pranced around.


Sometimes a horse without a rider also takes part in a funeral. The best known riderless horse was Black Jack.


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Hey, It's Your Funeral Mama
State Funeral
My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre
Fall In Love (Your Funeral)
The Funeral
The Past Is Like A Funeral
Funeral Of A Good Grrl
Funeral Thirst
Funeral Bell

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
