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与 funeral 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More specifically, Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral.

他欺骗并唆使黑暗盲神Hoder害死了自己的兄弟、光明之神 Balder,又成为葬礼上的第13位吊唁者。

More specifically, Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral.


More specifically Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral.


More specifically, Loki was believed to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral.

他欺骗并唆使黑暗盲神 Hoder 害死了自己的兄弟,光明之神 Balder,又称为葬礼上的第 13 位吊唁者。

Kashmiri villagers gather to watch the funeral procession of Ruhullah Bhat, a separatist commander in a village near Srinigar.

克什米尔的村民们聚集在一起参加 Ruhullah Bhat 的丧礼游行。 Ruhullah Bhat 是一座临近 Srinigar 的城镇里的独立派指挥官。

But the tone of the narrative makes it at least possible that there are was not really anything unusual in the method of his cremation; and that the elaborate rites prescribed in the Brahmanical books for use at a funeral were not, in practice, observed in the case of the death of any person other than a wealthy Brahman, or some layman of rank who was a devoted adherent of the Brahmans.


The discussion touches upon the Buddhist, Daoist and Shaman religious milieu, the Confucian and scholarly circles, the calendric celebrations, folk weddings and funeral rituals, as well as entertainment and stage performances.


To what degree the sadness is revealed has to do with the degree of intimacy with the death, discussion of death, involvement of caretaking the death, personal traits, environment and culture ,cause of death, funeral, family sadness, as well support from the society.


Chains were rattling, fierce and stern voices uttered threats, and the scourge resounded at their command. All these noises deepened and became substantial to the listener's ear, till she could distinguish every soft and dreamy accent of the love songs that died causelessly into funeral hymns. She shuddered at the unprovoked wrath which blazed up like the spontaneous kindling of flame and she grew faint at the fearful merriment raging miserably around her.


Leading the funeral chart is crooner Frank Sinatra's classic hit "My Way",followed by Louis Armstrong's version of "Wonderful World", a statement said.


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Hey, It's Your Funeral Mama
State Funeral
My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre
Fall In Love (Your Funeral)
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Funeral Bell

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
