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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A yuan of 3 second function the propositional means in the university entrance exam is mixed from the extreme value that studies function at first the main character of the function such as drab interval begins, had now


Firstly, this paper definited pseudometric d for n -foldproduct of σ-algebra A of subsets of a given set X , and definited indicator function ; secondly, gave the concept of differentiable of set function at S° and concept of partial derivative at S° with respect to the ith argument Si through indicator function, and defound the weak efficient solution of and optimality necessary condition; Finally, obtained three weak duality results and strong duality results under generalized convexity conditions.

首先,对已知集X的子集的σ-代数A的n-折积A^n,定义了伪度量d,给出了相应的特征函数〈h,Is〉;其次,通过特征函数给出了集函数在S 可微的定义及集函数在S 关于第i个变量Si的偏导数定义;给出了多目标规划问题的弱有效解概念及的最优性必要条件;最后,分别在目标函数和约束函数的3种较弱凸性条件下,研究n-集函数多目标规划问题的对偶问题,获得了3个弱对偶结果和强对偶结果。

We define I-quasi-invex vector function ., I-strictly quasi-invex vector function and KT-I-strictly quasi invex vector function, and derive the above equivalent condition for unconstrained or constrained multiobjective programming.


This article discusses fix quantity connection between quaternion non-linearity continuous function △ERR_ and △ERR_ in the reference literature~([1]),and its decisive effect on distributing evolvement disperse drop field in the error ratio function ERR_(100nm%)λ_(centreT,n,thus paves the way for the function degree of redundancy of Pipelined-Flash A/D.


From 1986 to 2005, the function intensity between cities was growing geminately, the spatial radiancy function of urbanization was enhanced, the trend of regional urban development of cities was obvious, and the function of Shenyang as the central city in this highly urbanized area became distinct, with other cities in the area moving towards Shenyang.

结果表明: 1954年以来城市用地不断增加, 1954~1975年城市扩张最快,但不同城市扩张速率和趋势不尽相同; 1986~2005年城市间的相互作用强度成倍增加,城市化发展的空间辐射作用增强,沈阳市作为区域中心城市,城市化水平和作用不断突显,一些城市明显向沈阳市方向移动; 1975~2000年小城镇快速发展;较高城市空间年增长率分布区域与城市重心转移方向基本吻合。

In the thesis the theory of time series analysis, several models about time series analysis and the dynamic feature of time series analysis are expatiated in detail; how to use autocorrelation function and partial correlation function to judge the model is analyzed; a kind of better rule to determined rank is determined by comparing several kinds of determined rank; thereby the reverse function can be used to forecast.


By means of input - output production function, the Constant Elasticity of Substitution production function of rank two is established in this paper, so it provides a method of assessment on the driving function of construction investment to urban economy, which meets the characteristics of urban construction and overcome the limitation of statistical material.


Although there are a lot of methods to test otolith function,at present ocular counterrolling is the only relative pure indicator of otolith function.It provide a valid method for predicting SMS susceptibility,it has great application prospect in the research of the SMS mechanism and the readaptability of vestibular function after space flight,it also provides great reference in the clinical diagnosis of vestibular problems.


By the iterative functional equation we usually mean an equation containing at leastan n-th iterate〓of an unknown function.A relatively general form of it is〓(1)where〓is a given integer,J is a connected closed subset of the real number axis R,G is a given〓function from〓to R,and f is an unknown function to be solved.


By using testing functions to make comparative research on the precision of approximate models which were built by RBF under the condition of different sample amounts and different kernel function types, a conclusion was drawn: the model quality built by Reciprocal Multiquadric RBF as kernel function was highest when the sample amout was big, and the model quality built by Gaussian RBF as kernel function was highest when the sample amount was small.


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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
