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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It offers United Answering function and also intelligent Answering function besides manual Answering function.


As the connection of marginal distribution function, the Copula function may not only reflect the relativity of random variable, but also may describe the random variable's related pattern well. Therefore we may use the different Copula function to describe the different related pattern.


The absolute solution of Jiaojia ERP is put forward, the system models are established, and the solution are explained in detail. The business program of Jiaojia gold mine is reengineered based on the theory of "business centers", and the program-oriented compressed organization is framed. The index group and the solution of mine total quality management are setup. Then the optimize program of SCM and its components are designed on the guidance of "Horizontal Integration". The data of Jiaojia gold mine are reengineered based on the data warehouse technology. The information integration can be available after the establish of the business oriented databases, the subject integration oriented data marts, the application oriented data warehouses, the code databases and metadata, as weil as the OLAP system. The mathematics models and data mining modes are set up to function for the decision support of ERP system. The model of programming Master Production Schedule driven by geological resources and marked is figured out, so as to the models for material requirements planning and other decision supports are set up. The models provide service in forms of model storehouse, method storehouse, and algorithm tools center. The agent center is introduced to process the models' organizing, service, as well as self-study. The function system of Jiaojia gold mine ERP is figured out. By combining the development characteristics of Clients/Server and Browse/Server, the general framework and every sub systems are described in detail, including the function, structure, arrangement, modality, and so on.


In order to fit the terrain condition, this dissertation uses Mathieu function and modified Mathieu function during the process of wave function expansion, also tries two different methods in small elliptical hill and high elliptical hill to overcome the barrier of composite boundary condition.


Reduced SQP based on orthonormal bases, orthogonal bases and coordinate bases are studied and compared. With the correction item introduced, the null-space move is adjusted and the reduced SQP based on coordinate bases decomposition is improved.●The key problem of steady-state data processing for RTOPT is studied. A new algorithm of simultaneous strategies for data reconciliation and gross error detection is proposed. Here the objective function that is constructed using maximum likelihood principle and joint distribution function is minimized. Efficient algorithm is developed which exploited the nonlinear lease-square structure of this objective function.


The concept of the midpoint quasi-convex function is introduced, and some conditions are obtained to ensure that midpoint quasi-convex function is quasi-convex in the measurable function space.


From the point of view of measure theory, this paper gives the unified definition of measurable real fuzzy set-valued function and n-dimensional measurable real fuzzy set-valued function, and discusses the fundamental properties of them and their invers fuzzy set-valued function by combining with fuzzy σ-algebra.


The research on integral function and meromorphic function oriented to three branches and profoundly guided to different function fields from the end of 19~ to beginning of 20~ century.


In Chapter 2,I consider a queuing system in which there are two exponential servers, each having his own queue, and arriving customers will join the two queues separately, and analyze the two-dimensional Markov process representing the numbers of jobs in the two stations. A functional equation for the generating function of the stationary distribution of this two-dimensional process is derived and solved through the theory of Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems. In Chapter 3, I consider the system with two parallel queues, in which arrivals join the shorter queue.I describe the problem of coupling and show that the generating function Fcan be continued as a meromorphic function to the whole complex plane.

全文包括三大部分:第一章介绍了基本的背景、研究进展和文章主要采用的方法;第二章研究的是有两个服务员共享的简单的排队方式的模型,即每个服务员有各自的队列,两队队长互不相关,分析了代表两个队长的二维马尔柯夫过程,推导出了二维过程的平稳分布的母函数的方程,并运用Riemann—Hilbert边值问题理论解出了母函数的表达式;第三章研究的是JSQ-PS模型(the joining the shortest queue model with processor sharing),模型是组合了加入最短队模型和处理器共享模型而成的有用排队模型。

In order to study vector-valued optimization problem, in chapter 5, a class of vector -valued function, that is, uniformly same-order set-valued function is introduced , which includes the separated functions as its proper subset; without hypothesis of convexity, new minimax theorem and saddle point theorem for uniformly same-order set-valued function are established. Next, by employing Ky Fan\'s lemma and H-KKM mapping , several existence results for generalized vector equilibrium problem established.


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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
