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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper,fractal interpolation function is expressed as a wavelet series,and its mother function is defined by the translation of iterated function system.


The prerequisite of the correct use of karnaugh map is to full in the map with the given logic function correctly. Karnaugh map can be used to transform logic function into various simplest expressions and check the race and hazard of logic function. It has a wider range of important applications in the analysis and design of combinational logic circuit and sequential logic circuit.


First, the anthor gives a new algorithm of monad distribution function. Under given level, this distribution function can pass Kolmogorov criterion, thus it can approximate samples real distribution function.


In this paper,some approximate optimal solutions and an augmented Lagrangian function in nonlinear programming were introduced,duality map and duality problems based on the augmented Lagrangian function were established, relationship between the approximate optimal solutions of augmented Lagrangian function and primal problem was discussed.


The objective function of the QP problem is a quadratic function which is an approximation of the Lagrangian function of the constrained problem and the constraints of the QP problem are linear approximation of the constraints of the constrained problem.


R-loss function is a more general form of both quadratic loss function and Laplacian loss function.


Then, on the basis of Atluri's work, a modified MLPG method is employed, in which the moving least squares approximation is used as a trial function and the Heaviside function is used as a test function of the weighted residual method.


It takes the function made up of Legendre orthogonal polynomial as displacement function, and use Galerkin method to solve this function. The methods calculating formulas is very simple, so the method can avoid the great calculating difficulty of traditional simplified methods.


Based on specific requirement for the top-coal caving mining to the four-bar linkage ,a design method of the four-bar linkage is put forward in the paper in which the least difference function between the lemniscate locus and the power function curve is used as the main objective function.

基于综放工艺对支架四连杆机构的特殊要求,首次提出以双纽线与幂函数曲线之差值最小作为主要目标函数的数学模型,并在此基础上应用VisualBasic5 0编制了四连杆机构的优化设计程序,可以同时实现优化参数显示与优化结果的动态显

The rates of hyperhemoglobinemia and leukocytosis increased to 67.97%(89/131) and 41.51%(57/131), respectively. Changes occurred in blood sugar (n=28), in coagulation (n=8) and in pulmonary function (n=37). We found changes in myocardial enzymatic spectrum in 20, in ECG in 29, in hepatic function in 28 and in renal function in 3 patients.

结果 急性四氯化硅中毒可引起明显的局部刺激症状和全身中毒反应,其中高血红蛋白血症89例,白细胞升高57例,血糖改变28例,凝血功能改变8例,肺功能改变37例,心肌酶谱改变20例,心电图改变29例,肝功改变28例,肾功改变3例。

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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
