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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Derivations of Green's functions, Green's function for the Laplacian operator, Green's function for the diffusion operator, Green's function for the wave operator.


In the Forestry Problem, the critical element is that the Growth Function is a Function of Time; not a function of stock.


Results showed that the CO2 absorb ability in the eight Crop systems net productivity process was 4 032 366ta^(-1); the amount of CO2 outlet in the soil was 3981753ta^(-1), less than the CO2 adsorb ability, so that the whole crop system was a weaker carbon sink process in the atmosphere. The continue planting species such as Rice, sugarcane, cassava, and melon crop or high haulm crops have the characteristics of annually crop net productivity CO2 absorb ability bigger than soil CO2 outlet and this systems had bigger carbon sink function ability; the short haulm crop systems of peanut, soybean, flowers, and vegetable annually crops net productivity CO2 absorb ability less than soil CO2 out let, but also carbon sink source. The CO2 absorb ability of fruits and economic parts above ground bigger than that which growth under ground. Except of the CO2 absorb ability less than the soil CO2 outlet in the peanut during growth in procreate period, the other seven crops CO2 absorb ability were bigger than that soil CO2 outlet during procreate period. Most of crops during growth in procreate period had carbon sink function ability, and only in barren period showed the carbon source function phenomenon.

结果表明:2005年广州市8种农作物系统作物净生产力吸收CO2 4032366ta^(-1),其土壤CO2排放3981753ta^(-1),吸收大于排放,对大气CO2而言,整个农作物系统是一个弱的碳汇;水稻、甘蔗、木薯和果用瓜4种连作或高杆作物系统每年作物净生产力吸收CO2量大于土壤CO2的排放量,系统具有较大的碳汇功能,花生、大豆、花卉和蔬菜4种矮杆作物系统每年作物净生产力吸收CO2量小于土壤CO2的排放量,系统起着碳源作用;果实或经济产量生长在地上部分的作物其单位面积吸收CO2能力比果实生长在地下的作物大;除花生在生育期间生物量吸收CO2量少于同期土壤排放以外,其余7种作物在生育期间生物量吸收CO2的量大于同期土壤排放,大多数农作物在生育期间具有碳汇功能,在撂荒期才体现碳源作用。

Because we mainly involve visual fields of medical science , have placed more contents on the development in the field of medical image of visual technology and argumentation used. Second part It is the visual technology knowledge, the generalization in such respects as the basic principle , basic functions, function store and three-dimensional animation technology to OpenGL ,etc. The realization of the system using OpenGL functions finish that three-dimension demonstration. The third part It is number value that calculate knowledge, three-dimension rebuild technology is it is it is it punish to fit to go on to need, the research of interpolator technology that cant leave, So this part has quoted the Hermite function principle , define cubic Hermite function to begin, calculate the differential coefficient among them draws cubic spline again.

由于我们主要是涉及医学可视化领域,所以将更多的内容放在了可视化技术在医学影像领域的发展与应用的论述;第二部分是可视化技术方面的知识,主要对 OpenGL 的基本原理、基本功能、函数库及三维动画技术等方面的概括,在系统实现时就是通过调用 OpenGL 函数库实现三维显示的;第三部分是数值计算方面的知识,三维重建技术需要进行拟合处理,离不开插值技术的研究,所以这一部分从埃尔米特函数原理开始讨论,引入三次埃尔米特函数,进一步计算时又引用三次样条函数。

Then, have stressed kinds of technology cubic Hermite function and cubic spline function, step by step, expand dual-cubic Hermite and dual-cubic spline function to progressively, sum up in the point that trinary cubic Hermite and trinary cublic spline finally.


Meromorphic function, holomorphic function, normality, iterate, fixed point, periodic point, periodic cycle, composite function, shared value, unicity theorem


A b distribution function is proposed to replace the homogeneous distribution function in the particle optimal algorithm. It use a dynamic method to adjust the parameters of b distribution random function to improve the speed and quality of the feasible solution.


In the homogeneous model, the function of tendons is assumed to be uniform in some approximated way in order to form an equivalent homogeneous material within concrete. The formulation of the homogeneous model is same with that of general FEM for common continuum, let alone the elastic matrix being resultant of that of tendon and concrete. The computation is simple, but the approximate assumption makes this method cannot be generalized, because it only represents the constitution and function of tendons in such a rough way, that the numerical results are inaccurate. In the combined model, the function of tendon is considered by the stiffness matrix with rod element, then add it into the stiffness matrix of concrete by a rational way.


These models include logarithmic function, exponential function, hyperbolic function and system scientific models such as grey model, BP neural network, time series, kalman filter and so on. And ground settlement due to two box culvert pushing is simulated by Peck experiential formula.


This invented simplified algorithm is to use sectional linear judgement method or looking-up table method to replace the hyperbolic tangent judgement. The substance is to use sectional linear judgement function L or judgement function T of looking-up table to approach the hyperbolic tangent function tanb.


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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
