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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The inverse function of that restricted cotangent function is called the arccotangent function.


Some fundamental properties of fuzzy probability characteristic, such as the fuzzy mean value function, fuzzy covariance function and fuzzy variance function of fuzzy stochastic processes are proved.


We show the different properties between covariance risk allocation function and relative risk allocation function and prove that the commonly used risk budgeting model is a special form of risk allocation function.


Considering that the covariance function could not exist in some conditions, we put forward the idea of using the variogram function as a substitute for the covariance function and prove their equivalence.


The major biological function of triglyceride was energy storage and supplement especially in the condition of cell suffered from energy. In the meanwhile, the triglyceride also decomposed and releases H2O that stimulate metabolic function and biochemistry reaction of the cell. Above all the mention, cholesterol and triglyceride were indispensable in the normal physiological function in the human body. In the recent years, the hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke and coronary artery diseases were very popular and suffered from many people that lack of exercise, changes life style and diets habits leading to increase crapulence, tension, obesity and aging. Above all the diseases were very concerned with the hyperlipidaemias.


While convicting the abuse of of ficial powers,we should focus on the function of behavior norms.However, taking"heavy losses"as a constitutive requirement of the crime will certainly confine the function of behavior norms. Though a liberal judicial interpretation is conducive to the performance of the function,it will jeopardize the principle of nullum crimen sine lege.


The optimal collocated positions of secondary source with two microphones are studied and the separate of transfer function method that reduce the influence of acoustic feedback are developed based on plane wave transmission theory of sound and concept of transfer function in a duct. After, In order to identify the variation of the signals and find out individual correlation coefficient, cross correlation function analysis between primary noise signal and reference input signal is processed.


By means of signal processing techniques such as the power spectrum function, the auto correlation function and cross correlation function, two kinds of ECG signals when AF does or does not happen were successively analyzed, showing the evident differences between them.

提出了一种简便有效的、由心电图曲线提取QRS -T复合波的新方法,从而获得P波或f波;利用功率谱、自相关、互相关等信号处理技术,对它进行了处理和分析,特别是,比较了未房颤时和发生房颤时的相关信息的显著差别。

Auto-focusing algorithm based on cross correlation ;2. By means of signal processing techniques such as the power spectrum function, the auto correlation function and cross correlation function, two kinds of ECG signals when AF does or does not happen were successively analyzed, showing the evident differences between them.

提出了一种简便有效的、由心电图曲线提取QRS -T复合波的新方法,从而获得P波或f波;利用功率谱、自相关、互相关等信号处理技术,对它进行了处理和分析,特别是,比较了未房颤时和发生房颤时的相关信息的显著差别。

Results Labor can improve the result of cruor function index and functional biochemical index. Traditional therapy has limited function in protection with liver and kidney,and has no use to improve cruor function.

结果 分娩可使生化和血液学指标明显改善;现行的解痉降压治疗对保护肝肾功能效果有限,对血液高凝状态没有治疗效果,但可延长孕周,改善围产儿结局。

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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
