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与 function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To sum up, the financial function of the public debt has widened the function of the public debt policy. The seigniorage function of public debt and the special function of public debt market in providing liquidity make public debt policy become more independent. Therefore, if public debt policy is to play a sufficient role in the macroeconomic management, it is essential to set up a developed and perfect public debt market.


From the narrow point of view, prenatal education mainly refers to the basis of fetal growth and development of the sensory organ the actual situation in a targeted manner, and actively take the initiative to give reasonable information to stimulate appropriate to establish a conditioned reflex the fetus, thereby promoting their brain function, somatic motor function, sensory function and sophisticated function of the nervous system.


If this second function calls a third function, the parameters for the second function will also have to be saved to the stack to make room for the parameters of the third function.


For example, if code calls a function, which then calls a second function, the parameters for the first function will have to be saved to the stack to make room for the parameters for the second function.


Tangent sine function with the function, structure and the cosine function linear structure, The results showed tangent curve smoothing function fitting, bending loss smaller, more optimization of the optical path.


Calculated value of radial dose function, g, is in the rang of 0.1-10.0 cm at transverse axis. Anisotropy function, F, is calculated in 0°-90° of θ with increment of 10° and 0.5-9.0 cm of r with increment of 1 cm. Empiric equations are acquired for radial dose function and anisotropy function by curve fitting.


In this sense, this paper classifies guilds' specific function according to these two functions and makes theoretic and empirical analyze of the process of function evolving of the guild which produce in the transition system. We unclose that the government absent chooses the executive administrate system upon guilds; locks the function of guilds in the function transition of relevant governmental departments and path of power-relax. The guilds are restricted by the vested-benefit of relevant department, and hence the guilds lack representation and can not provide effective incentives to the member or positive effect to the economical system and industrial development.


From the function needing of the building, the top needs small axis dimension which has to be assigned, the next function part hopes that there is as big as possible free space, it is heavy for network to take post, for satisfying building the requests of function, the structure must be by fixing up contrary to routine way, in order to realize that this kind fixes up, must set up a special floor between the underpart in structure forms are different, make it bear top the internal force of structure and transmit and give underpart structure to play structure change the floors of function reliable. It is called transfer floor.


It is a usual presumption that distribution function can decide characteristic function and characteristic function can also decide the distribution function by the uniqueness theorem.


To eliminate the limit, a hybrid objective function weighted by antitangent function is constructed, which behaves like an objective function of norm for small data points and like an objective function of norm for large data points, restraining the influence of false data points on inversion procedure.


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Function At The Junction
The Function
Form Follows Function
The Function Of The Orgasm

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
