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- 与 front 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Though the story of Socks aka Cookie made front page news this weekend, one should not be surprised.
He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo .
If a car suddenly pulls out in front of him, his initial alarm reaction may include fear of an accident, anger at the driver who committed the action, and general frustration.
It's a love affair with the audience from front to back — albeit a twisted one.
Other trees which attract notice are: Pinus Massoniana; Cunninghamia Lanceolata; thuya Orientalis; sophora Japonica; Albizzia, Acacia with pink flowers in feathery clusters; Liriodendron or saddle Tree (group of six in front of the Kuling General hospital); Larix or Larch Tree; Fraxinus Sinensis or Ash; Alnus and Gymnocladus Chinesis or Soap Tree.
At the bar, open the cabinet on the wall near the front door, in the small alcove.
There is an area, just in front of the entrance, an alcove with a fire at the back of it, that is absolutely forbidden to women.
In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line.
Weifa Motorcycle Fitting CO., Ltd is an organization specialized in development and production of motorcycle fitting company with such main products as main prop stand , movable net , Chopper-sized pedal web ,fixed net thick thin center, TV card Caprona alida, pedal hook , hind pedal rubber thickness , Wu Yang generator card, Pearl River/Honda set triangle, Suzuki, Wu Yang Hualan, front-row prop stand, Jialing, Honda taximeter rack, Honda Jetta, horizontal iron assembly, 70C assembly ,a variety of trunk base panel, main prop stand of Honda/Jetta/Jialing.
It could not be Ellen, for she would alight at the front steps.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Front Row
- Right In Front Of Me
- Frost And Front Steps
- One Foot In Front Of The Other
- Don't Front
- Storm Front
- Walk Out The Front Door
- The Front, The Back, The Side
- Back To The Front Porch
- The Car In Front Of Me
- 推荐网络例句
They weren't aggressive, but I yelled and threw a rock in their direction to get them off the trail and away from me, just in case.
In slot 2 in your bag put wrapping paper, quantity does not matter in this case.
Store this product in a sealed, lightproof, dry and cool place.