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front and back相关的网络例句

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与 front and back 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This look harkens back to the day when she liked to get dolled up, put on some cute clothes, and make an appearance in front of our cameras.


If all that's visible is the front of your foot and the back of your heel, then you have a really high-arched foot.


If all that is visible is the front of your foot and the back of the heel, then you have a really high-arched foot.


When the portion of the leg below the hock is correctly "set back" and stands perpendicular to the ground, a plumb line dropped from the rearmost point of the hindquarters will pass in front of the foot.


Or, y ou could mount a garden hose reel at the front of your house and also at the back of your h ouse if you do a lot of watering in both places.


If I see any man keeping back on the other side the wall away from the ships I will have him killed: his kinsmen and kinswomen shall not give him his dues of fire, but dogs shall tear him in pieces in front of our city.


The facilitator of the lap game takes a group of 25 or more people and has them stand fairly close together in a circle, so that each participant is staring at the back of the head of the person in front of him.


Results CT traits of EH: the symmetric cavitas subarachnoidealis fissure at the top of bilateral lobus frontalis widened at least 5mm; the border looked like "petal"; the front vertical fissure widened at least 7mm, the back vertical fissure was not wide; on patients with serious EH, the bilateral cistern of lateral fossa of cerebrum widened and suprasellar cistern increased while the ventricles of the brain did not increase or increased slightly.

结果 EH的CT特征为两侧额顶部对称性蛛网膜下腔间隙增宽≥5mm,边缘呈&花瓣样&,纵裂前部增宽≥7mm,纵裂后部不宽;严重者可伴双侧侧裂池增宽及鞍上池增大,脑室不大或轻度增大。

Do not bend down in front of or behind a Malamute. He could interpret it as an invitation to play, and you could find yourself on your back, which could be quite embarrassing.


The name card that contains a RFID Tag is read by a RFID reader. The mirror interface is constructed by hiding a minicam in the back of a mirror. When the system user stay in front of mirror, the user shape image will be caught and then transferred to the friend by internet. This process will improve the accuracy of face recognition.

其次,在资料更新的部分提出&Mirror Interface&的方式,在使用者面对镜子时启动镜子内藏的摄影机所拍下的画面来更新资料档案中人物的识别资料;见面时能根据更新后的画像来辨识眼前的人物是谁,以提高人物辨识的准确度。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
