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In the presence of 1b,1c,or 1d(5%,molar fraction),chalcone was stereoselectively epoxidized by sodium hypochlorite with yields range from % to 92% and ee range from 58% to 63%.


In 10 nonrecruiters, alveolar recruitment was minimal, oxygenation did not improve, and static lung elastance significantly increased (from 26 ± 5 to 28 ± 6 cm H2O/L).

另外10例非受试者中,很少出现肺泡复张、氧合无改善、静态肺弹性显著增加(from 26 ± 5 to 28 ± 6 cm H2O/L)。

Far from following the PA's script, he began to lambast Egypt for pleasing Israel by building siege walls around the Gaza Strip, the enclave run by Hamas to the exclusion of Fatah, its secular-minded rival headed by the PA's president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Far from following the PA's scrip,我个人觉得是这个大员抢先赴任之后总是不按规则出牌,让剧情的发展开始离PA事先设计好的脚本越来越远了,这个是将他做了啥不按规则出牌的事——他大咧咧的批评埃及老大哥为讨好以色列而围着加沙修隔离墙,这不是雪中送风么。。。

The present article used a word-by-word self-paced moving window reading paradigm, and participants read sentences such as The key to the {cabinet/cabinets}{was/were} rusty from many years of disuse. When the head noun, local noun, and verb were all singular, reading times after the verb were faster than when either a plural local noun or plural verb was present.

本文通过逐词自定节奏移动窗口实验向受试呈现并要求他们阅读The key to the {cabinet/cabinets}{was/were} rusty from many years of disuse一类的句子研究了句子理解中的主语-动词一致的认知加工机制,发现主要名词和局部名词以及动词均为单数时,对动词的加工较快,而出现复数局部名词或复数动词时则动词后成分的加工则较慢。

In other words, this is yet another low-brow laff-a-thon from the Broken Lizard gang that's likely to draw a bigger audience on DVD than it did in theaters, especially since there's a lot of duds to sit through while waiting for the next big beer-belly-laugh.

换言之,这又是低额头laff - 1和平面吞from断蜥团伙,这可能会更多的观众绘制的DVD运动不仅仅它在电影院,特别是因为很多是一个哑弹参加通过而下一个大的啤酒肚皮笑等候。

Third, clinical manifestations of the serotonin syndrome range from barely perceptible to lethal. The death of an 18-year-old patient named Libby Zion in New York City more than 20 years ago, which resulted from coadminstration of meperidine and phenelzine, remains the most widely recognized and dramatic example of this preventable condition.

三、5-羟色胺综合症的临床显示从仅仅可觉察到致命。20年前在纽约城的一个叫Libby Zion的十八岁的病人的死亡,是由于度冷丁和苯乙肼同时服用引起的,留下了这种可预防的条件的被最广泛认可的和戏剧性的例子。D-serine efficacy as add-on pharmacotherapy to risperidone and olanzapine for treatment-refractory schizophrenia。

If this has caused any distress and inconvenience to The Weepies or even raised doubts in anyone in regards to the originality of The Weepies composition, Take It From Me, I offer my most sincere apology.

如果这件事已经对The Weepies造成困扰和不便,或者甚至有人对The Weepies的《Take It From Me》的原创性提出质疑,在此我表示真诚的歉意。

For example, SIP reuses SMTP headers such as To, From, Date, and Subject.


Before a noun or adverbial phrase, both from and to are acceptable in British English.


AGILITY from SAVANNAH, GA port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port ASHDOD - Taranto , YES TO CARROTS , which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information COSMETIC ...

AGILITY 与来自 ASHDOD Taranto 的出口商 YES TO CARROTS 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物COSMETIC 。。。

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I Learned How To Love From You
From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me) (Radio Edit)
Just To Feel This Love From You
From The Ritz To The Rubble
From Shapeless To Breakable
Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland
Journey From A To B
Leave It All To Shine / Leave It All To Me (Theme From iCarly)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
