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First, we introduce and discuss the various methods of multivariate polynomial interpolation in the literature. Based on this study, we state multivariate Lagrange interpolation over again from algebraic geometry viewpoint:Given different interpolation nodes A1,A2 .....,An in the affine n-dimensional space Kn, and accordingly function values fi(i = 1,..., m), the question is how to find a polynomial p K[x1, x2,...,xn] satisfying the interpolation conditions:where X=(x1,X2,....,xn). Similarly with univariate problem, we have provedTheorem If the monomial ordering is given, a minimal ordering polynomial satisfying conditions (1) is uniquely exsisted.Such a polynomial can be computed by the Lagrange-Hermite interpolation algorithm introduced in chapter 2. Another statement for Lagrange interpolation problem is:Given monomials 1 ,2 ,.....,m from low degree to high one with respect to the ordering, some arbitrary values fi(i= 1,..., m), find a polynomial p, such thatIf there uniquely exists such an interpolation polynomial p{X, the interpolation problem is called properly posed.

文中首先对现有的多元多项式插值方法作了一个介绍和评述,在此基础上我们从代数几何观点重新讨论了多元Lagrange插值问题:给定n维仿射空间K~n中两两互异的点A_1,A_2,…,A_m,在结点A_i处给定函数值f_i(i=1,…,m),构造多项式p∈K[X_1,X_2,…,X_n],满足Lagrange插值条件:p=f_i,i=1,…,m (1)其中X=(X_1,X_2,…,X_n),与一元情形相似地,本文证明了定理满足插值条件(1)的多项式存在,并且按"序"最低的多项式是唯一的,上述多项式可利用第二章介绍的Lagrange-Hermite插值算法求出,Lagrange插值另一种描述是:按序从低到高给定单项式ω_1,ω_2,…,ω_m,对任意给定的f_1,f_2,…,f_m,构造多项式p,满足插值条件:p=sum from i=1 to m=Ai=f_i,i=1,…,m (2)如果插值多项式p存在且唯一,则称插值问题适定。

Apart from meet eight development goals be available to sb. look sth. up in a dictionary / on a website express one's opinion be meant to do sth . a successful businesswoman on behalf of work in remote places be connected to / with specialized agencies loan money to sb. set a standard for aim to sth. eliminate problems can't afford expense be lack of recommend doing sth. break down basic equipment force sb. to do sth. farm the land suffer from malnutrition be in chaos be in a mess put on weight look out for be concerned about/for get hold of remind sb. of sth remind sb. to do sth. communicate with sb. think back to be proud of = take pride in make a difference put sth.

into action from place to place die from if only in honour of on purpose 除了达到八个发展目标可以得到在字典里/网上查找表达某人的观点打算做某事一位成功的女商人作为…的代表在偏远地区工作与…有联系专业机构贷钱给某人为…确立标准目标是消除问题付不起费用缺少建议做某事出故障;抛锚基本设备强迫某人做某事种地遭受营养不良处于混乱状态乱七八糟增肥当心担心抓住让人想起提醒某人做某事和某人交流回想以…为豪发生改变使某事开始实施从一地到另一地死于只要为了表示对某人的尊敬/为了纪念某人故意的 18

To be used to doing 'Used to do' is different from 'to be used to doing' and 'to get used to doing' We use 'to be used to doing' to say that something is normal, not unusual.

我们用"to be used to doing"这个短语来表达某事是正常的,常见的,没什么

Anthropos {anth'-ro-pos} from 435 and ops (the countenance, from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being; TDNT - 1:364,59; n m AV - man 552, not tr 4, misc 3; 559 1 a human being, whether male or female 1a generically, to include all human individuals 1b to distinguish man from beings of a different order 1b1 of animals and plants 1b2 of from God and Christ 1b3 of the angels 1c with the added notion of weakness, by which man is led into a mistake or prompted to sin 1d with the adjunct notion of contempt or disdainful pity 1e with reference to two fold nature of man, body and soul 1f with reference to the two fold nature of man, the corrupt and the truly Christian man, conformed to the nature of God 1g with reference to sex, a male 2 indefinitely, someone, a man, one 3 in the plural, people 4 joined with other words, merchantman

相关经文回前一页 444 anthropos {anth'-ro-pos}源自435 and ops (the countenance, from 3700); man-faced,亦即 a human being; TDNT - 1:364,59;阳性命词钦定本- man 552, not tr 4, misc 3; 559 1 一个人类,无论男女 1a 类别上﹐包括所有人类个体 1b 将人类与不相同等级的生命本质区分出来 1b1 人不同於动物和植物 1b2 人不同於上帝和基督 1b3 人不同於天使 1c 附带著一种软弱的意思,故此人会被引入犯错或被驱使犯罪 1d 带有一种轻视性或藐视性的怜悯的意思 1e 与人两方面的本质有关,身体和魂 1f 与人两方面的本质有关,败坏的和真正的﹐与上帝的本质一致的基督徒 1g 与性别有关,男人 2 不限定的,某人,一个人,任何一人 3 复数型﹐民族 4 与其他字组合,商人

In nine recruiters, the higher end-expiratory pressure strategy resulted in significant alveolar recruitment (587 ± 158 ml), improvement in arterial oxygen partial pressure/inspired oxygen fraction ratio (from 150 ± 36 to 396 ± 138), and reduction in static lung elastance (from 23 ± 3 to 20 ± 2 cm H2O/L).

结果显示,两组患者的临床转归相似。19例患者均使用了低PEEP (9 ± 2 cm H2O)和高PEEP(16 ± 1 cm H2O)通气。9例使用了高PEEP受试者肺泡复张显著(587 ± 158 ml),动脉血氧分压/氧合指数改善(from 150 ± 36 to 396 ± 138),静息肺弹性下降(from 23 ± 3 to 20 ± 2 cm H2O/L)。

Observe oneself primitive sincerity most in the abyss of the mind, from to listen to the sprouting of the life in being simple and elegant poem, experience the growth of the life from the happy symphony, realize the true essence of the life from deformation and perspectivity that are drawn, pay close attention to the existence of the life , savour course and meaning of the life from the wise thought of reason, everything is to appear through heart.


So saying, with dispatchful looks in haste She turns, on hospitable thoughts intent What choice to chuse for delicacie best, What order, so contriv'd as not to mix Tastes, not well joynd, inelegant, but bring [ 335 ] Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change, Bestirs her then, and from each tender stalk Whatever Earth all-bearing Mother yields In India East or West, or middle shoare In Pontus or the Punic Coast, or where [ 340 ] Alcinous reign'd, fruit of all kindes, in coate, Rough, or smooth rin'd, or bearded husk, or shell She gathers, Tribute large, and on the board Heaps with unsparing hand; for drink the Grape She crushes, inoffensive moust, and meathes [ 345 ] From many a berrie, and from sweet kernels prest She tempers dulcet creams, nor these to hold Wants her fit vessels pure, then strews the ground With Rose and Odours from the shrub unfum'd.

Neerer his presence Adam though not awd, Yet with submiss approach and reverence meek, As to a superior Nature, bowing low, [ 360 ] 她一边说着,一边带着急迫的神情,急速转身,一心想着招待的事,怎样精选最上等最可口的东西,风味若不调和,便会变得粗劣,务必要按照自然的变化而加调味,一样接着一样,有条不紊,引人入胜;于是忙着去采集各种的果品,从大地母亲所生产的万汇中千挑万选,无论东西印度、地中海滨各国、本都、布匿沿岸或阿西诺斯国中的,样样都有,结在柔枝上的,有果皮光滑的,粗糙的,果壳带须的,包在荚里的,她都不吝惜地采摘,堆积在桌子上。

Airo {ah'-ee-ro} a primary root; TDNT - 1:185,28; v AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 to raise up, elevate, lift up 1a to raise from the ground, take up: stones 1b to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand 1c to draw up: a fish 2 to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear 3 to bear away what has been raised, carry off 3a to move from its place 3b to take off or away what is attached to anything 3c to remove 3d to carry off, carry away with one 3e to appropriate what is taken 3f to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force 3g to take and apply to any use 3h to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence 3i cause to cease

相关经文回前一页 142 airo {ah'-ee-ro}原始的字根; TDNT - 1:185,28;动词 AV - take up 32, take away 25, take 25, away with 5, lift up 4, bear 3, misc 8; 102 1 举起,提起,提高 1a 由地上举起,拿起一个东西:例:石头 1b 举起,抬高,提高一个东西:例:头 1c 拖,拉一个东西:例:鱼 2 to take upon one's self and 拿走被举起的东西,承担 3 拿走被举起的东西,强行带走 3a 由一个地方迁移 3b 拿走或移走附在一个东西上的物件 3c 移开 3d 带走一个人 3e 欣赏被带走的东西 3f 拿走原属於一个人或已经允诺给他的东西,夺取 3g 拿走且任意使用 3h 死亡,不论是自然死亡或因著外力 3i 停止

Now they are ready to solve many problems of space travel, from guidance and nav...

现在他们准备解决许多有关太空旅行的问题,这些问题涵盖了从引导和导航到超越地球大气层的导弹飞行动力学问题。(关键from ……to……从……到……,补充说。。。

Following the concept of a previous compilation, Music from the Coffee Lands it seems only fitting and natural that Putumayo turn attention to gathering some rare blends from the Music from the Tea Lands.

延续了原先的编辑理念,这一次,Putumayo公司将专集《Music from the Coffee Lands》中的自然元素及多种稀有音素融合进了《Music from the Tea Lands》。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
I Learned How To Love From You
From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me) (Radio Edit)
Just To Feel This Love From You
From The Ritz To The Rubble
From Shapeless To Breakable
Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland
Journey From A To B
Leave It All To Shine / Leave It All To Me (Theme From iCarly)

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
