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from memory相关的网络例句

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与 from memory 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If we directly write and get our data from this memory block, no marshalling is needed.


Christmas dated from the birth of Jesus. On Christmas day, the catholic attended Mass in memory of Jesus' birthday.


The advantages of mass storage systems over main memory include less volatility, large storage capacities, low cost, and in many cases, the ability to remove the storage medium from the machine for archival purposes.


Mr Mulligan however made court to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the classics which as it dwelt upon his memory seemed to him a sound and tasteful support of his contention: Talis ac tanta depravatio hujus seculi, O quirites, ut matres familiarum nostro lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum Romanorum magnopere anteponunt: while for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the buck and doe of the forest glade, the farmyard drake and duck.

穆利根先生则对该学者报以脑中所记一段恰如其分之古典引文,根据既充分,又能雍容大方地支持其论点:噫,诸市民,当代道义之颓废,江河日下。吾辈家中妇女,偏爱被温柔男予以手指作淫荡之搔痒,而弃罗马百人队长之沉重辜丸及异常勃起于不顾。[158] 彼并为不够机智者举出更合乎彼等胃口之动物界实例--诸如树林间空地上之公鹿母鹿,农家场院中之公鸭母鸭等,以此类推,阐述要点。

Memory capacity will vary from 256 to 512 mb.


If the number of variables or arrays being added with ADDITIVE plus the number of existing variables exceeds the variable limit, Microsoft Visual FoxPro brings as many variables and arrays as possible into memory from the variable file or memo field.

如果使用 ADDITIVE 时,要添加的内存变量或内存变量数组的数目加上已有内存变量的数目超过了系统对内存变量数目的限制,Visual FoxPro 将从内存变量文件或备注字段中恢复尽可能多的内存变量和内存变量数组。

Therefore, from the market's perspective,"every moment is truly unique," even though the moment may look, sound, or feel exactly the same as some moment logged away in your memory bank.


I really don't want to have part of my life missing from my book of memory, and regret that when I grow old.


I would like to send Matt a memory book as my sincere apology for running away from him like a child that day.


The first page of all words puts memory, the page from the back puts hard disk in.


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Painted From Memory
Drawn From Memory

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
