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与 from memory 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phone numbers from the memory that match may be presented to the user, either visually or audibly.


This paper presents a fast algorithm based on the measured equation of invariance.Conformal meshes are made along the surface of two-dimensional scatterer.Renumbering of nodes changed the original sparse matrix into band one,and the consumption of computer memory and CPU time decrease from O(N2) to O.Via this new algorithm,electrically large problem can now be rapidly solved.

提要 本文基于不变性测试方程法提出一种快速算法,在二维散射体表面建立共形差分网格后,通过对节点的重新排序,将原问题中的稀疏矩阵变换为带状稀疏阵,从而使占用的计算机内存和计算时间均由O(N2)下降为O,可以解决原来无法计算的问题。

Probably not; it seems as if I can retrieve only the barest fragments of memory from when I was five.


As it invariably happens, history and memory can prove helpful: Leonardo's Vitruvian man is "the measure of all things", while the Renaissance man expands the static point of view of the project anticipating the crucial theme of individual well-being (as Leon Battista Alberti put it in his De re aedificatoria ,"In the choice of the environment it is best to mind that it is welcome by its inhabitants from every point of view").


I will not be accused of dishonoring their memory, of benefiting from the death of friends.


Nevertheless, by being instrumental in bringing a Bodhi sapling from the sacred Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya, India and planting it at the Anuradhapura site in Sri Lanka, thus affording the Sri Lankan Buddhist population an object of worship considered to be commensurate with a living Buddha, and by inaugurating the Order of Nuns for the emancipation of womankind, she has rendered to our country a magnificent service that for ever remains in the memory of a grateful people of Sri Lanka who in commemoration of which participate in religious services and processions carrying a statue of Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta on every full moon day of Unduwap, the day she disembarked in the island arrival of Arahant Sanghamitta Theri in Sri Lanka.


It may be defended that memory has descended from its pinnacle since adolescent age itself has fleed away.


DDR2667. NVIDIA thus corrects this point with the nForce 680i SLI, which continues to be distinguished with this parameter modifying for recall value CMD or Command Per Clock from the memory.


These pieces may be derived from Qiu Xiaofei's memory, but the connection to history is more disjunctive than mimetic; indeed, the artist's remembrances bear a dauntingly complex relationship to the reproduction of either the real or the imagined image.


By metaphorically invoking the photographic terminology in the spirit of Bergsonian / Deleuzian time-movement interpretation as inspiration, the exhibition Timelapse in which a dozen artists from both Switzerland and China will participate, attempts to examine the fundamental constituent of digital media: the concept of time and its embodiment in space, its evocation of passage and memory, its movement of differentiation and its state of representation in diverse formal grammars to reveal the social implications of the fast in the disguise of the slow, the multiplicity in temporality and disparity in spatiality, both psychologically and geographically, stirring up a desire to scrutinize the nuances and ramifications in regards to the construct of cultural being in the disparate framework of time in distance and space in locality and the potential collapse of such time-space duality.

本次展览以柏格森以及德卢兹( Deleuze,均为法国哲学家)有关时间-运动的解释为契机,含蓄地缓引"延时"这一摄影术语,在瑞士和中国两国艺术家的参与中,试图检验数字媒体的根本构成因数,及时间的概念以及其在空间中的体现,其对于过程和记忆的启示,其运动所产生的差异,以及其在运用形式语言时所呈现的不同表象,从而揭示被缓慢所遮掩的亟速之社会内蕴,其在时空中之心理与地理间的多样化和差异性,激起我们对于细察在不同的时空概念的框架下文化的构建,以及对于这种时空二元性之崩溃的可能性的欲念。

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Painted From Memory
Drawn From Memory

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
