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与 from memory 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As I listened to those songs the glee club, in memory's eye I could see those staggering columns of the First World War, bending under soggy packs, on many a weary march from dripping dusk to drizzling dawn, slogging ankle-deep through the mire of shell-shocked roads, to from grimly for the attack, blue-lipped, covered with sludge and mud, chilled by the wind and rain, driving home to their objective, and for many, to the judgment seat of God.


Vinpocetine is effective in curing cerebrovascular diseases, which can selectively improve the circulation of brain, promote energy metabolism, regulate the system function of neurotransmitter, protect brain from suffering from damage due to ischemia and anoxemia in many ways, be used in treatment of insufficiency in blood - supply, stroke and symptoms related to aging, and have special effect on recognition and memory.


Described above is the computer power switch in the open for cold start when all initialization to complete the work, if we under DOS by Ctrl + Alt + Del combination of keys (or select from Windows to restart your computer) to hot start, then the POST will be the course of the past jump directly from the beginning of the third step, another step-by-step detection of the fifth CPU and memory tests would no longer be carried out.


Take just a few events from living memory. In interwar Poland, Ukrainians suffered savage repression; seen from another viewpoint, they behaved disloyally and ungratefully towards their country.


H. R.: I do not claim that the Jewish mafia controls most of the international illegal drug trade, since there are no statistics on the subject, but it does not appear incredible to me, judging by all information I could gather. The fact is that from the Chinese opium traffic of the nineteenth century to the present day, this mafia has been quite active in this field. In the traffic of ecstasy, one can say for certain that the Jewish mafia holds a monopoly. Today, ecstasy is the drug that is most harmful to European young people. A pill of ecstasy gives a feeling of strength and well-being for a few hours, but it is above all a veritable chemical garbage bin. Its long-term effects are alarming because irreversible: memory loss; behavioral, sleep, and concentration problems; brain lesions in the children of druggie mother. The premier producer is Holland, but the big traffickers who were arrested ten years ago in France, Belgium, the United States, or Australia, all have Israeli passports. The business of ecstasy is 100% in the hands of Jewish gangsters, not all of whom come from Russia, since there are Sephardic traffickers as well. If you buy a pill of ecstasy, in every instance, you can be certain you are financing the Jewish mafia.


Instructions are fetched from consecutive memory addresses, starting from address zero, until an instruction which modifies the PC is executed, whereupon fetching starts from the new address given in the 'jump' instruction.


Pascha {pas'-khah} of Aramaic origin cf 06453; TDNT - 5:896,797; n n AV - Passover 28, Easter 1; 29 1 the paschal sacrifice (which was accustomed to be offered for the people's deliverance of old from Egypt) 2 the paschal lamb, i.e. the lamb the Israelites were accustomed to slay and eat on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan in memory of the day on which their fathers, preparing to depart from Egypt, were bidden by God to slay and eat a lamb, and to sprinkle their door posts with its blood, that the destroying angel, seeing the blood, might pass over their dwellings; Christ crucified is likened to the slain paschal lamb 3 the paschal supper 4 the paschal feast, the feast of the Passover, extending from the 14th to the 20th day of the month Nisan

相关经文回前一页 3957 pascha {pas'-khah}源於亚兰文,见希伯来文字典 06453; TDNT - 5:896,797;中性名词 AV - Passover 28, Easter 1; 29 1 逾越节的牺牲(习俗上用以纪念以色列人的祖先被从埃及带领出来) 2 逾越节的羔羊,亦即以色列人习俗上在尼散月十四日所宰杀而吃的羔羊,用以纪念他们的先祖在准备离开埃及前,依神的命令而宰吃羔羊,并将其血洒在门楣上,当灭命天使见到这血时,就越过该户;基督的上十架被比喻为这被杀的逾越节羔羊 3 逾越节的晚餐 4 逾越节的筵席,为纪念逾越节而有的筵席,由尼散月十四日一直进行到廿日

In The Big Typescript, this dichotomy is detailed in his analysis of the temporal, spatial and genitive expressions, resulting in the distinction between the unspeakable"memory-time"(Ged〓chtniszeit) and the speakable"physical time", and that between the unspeakable"visual space" and the speakable"Euclidean space", etc;(4) From another perspective, the destruction of the conception of the "phenomenological language"could also be seen as the logical consequence of the radicalization of the one and the same conception, since this destruction does reinforce rather than weaken RLF's original intention of distinguishing the physical system from what are given in phenomena by demonstrating the incompatibility between this intention itself and the insistence on the speakability of the phenomena, which gives birth to the illusion of the"phenomenological language";(5) Nevertheless, what the radical distinction between the sense-data and the physical language (as the unique possible language) implies, according to Wittgenstein, is not that the latter has nothing to do with the former, but that the association between the two does not follow the"original sample-copy"pattern but the"screen-presenting-filmoperation"pattern, which indicates that phenomenon itself can be aroused by or included in-rather than to be described by-the physical language/system;(6) Thus Wittgenstein leads us to depart from the obsolete ambition of representing the immediately given data perfectly for a new destination where a comprehensive "perspicuity" of the"grammar"should be required and where his later philosophy is coming into being.


Root of ox of unconscious ox manager is born to once had said not to see us the place is little, the person of little place does not think criterion already, consider the major issue that is the whole nation, and seeing him is little place person or great place person, what think by right of only is countrywide important matter, with respect to enough the proof cheats Niu Congqi pace to having commonweal gene the commonweal consciousness that; also is Niu Gensheng, just break free from conventions, him appellation the competitor is teammate, make quality is life, the business concept that the product is bearing is rooted in every employee memory gemmiparous, cheat an ox that is to say from inside outside arriving, from start to expand, spread all over commonweal behavior every corner that the company grows.


The report shows, 2007, in network game drive, the income that telegraphic business produces directly from this is as high as 29.92 billion yuan, it is the net swims the market is 2.8 times of sales revenue realer; The direct income that IT industry produces from this amounts to 11.44 billion yuan, main source is network game server, network and memory product, software and service; Publish the direct income that produces from this with media industry to achieve 5.09 billion yuan, main source is swim with the net relevant records and book.


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Painted From Memory
Drawn From Memory

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
