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与 frayed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Appliquéd corsages emphasized old-world dandy sophistication with frayed, crinkled fabrics whereas Vivienne Westwood's lime green grasshopper offered a humorously eccentric alternative to an otherwise conventional outfit

贴花状胸花用磨损皱纹面料营造出古老的典雅绅士格调,而 Vivienne Westwood 的青柠绿色蚱蜢则在传统服装之外呈现出诙谐而古怪的选择。

Appliquéd corsages emphasized old-world dandy sophistication with frayed, crinkled fabrics whereas Vivienne Westwood's lime green grasshopper offered a humorously eccentric alternative to an otherwise conventional outfit x4 '0 m.

贴花状胸花用磨损皱纹面料营造出古老的典雅绅士格调,而 Vivienne Westwood 的青柠绿色蚱蜢则在传统服装之外呈现出诙谐而古怪的选择。附件:您需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。

Found crystal collection on dust, not to use the feather brush, which may have to light soft, lint-free cloth breeze dust, do not force wipe off, so as to avoid frayed crystal.


Using the wrong floor polish, uneven floors, and surfaces, frayed carpets or heavy mats and grates could cause injury to the unsuspecting worker.


It was a little past mid-day when the four-horse stage—coach by which I was a passenger, got into the ravel of traffic frayed out about the Crosskeys, Wood-street, Cheapside, London. Great Expectation


Shortly after their sale, Liu Yang, a Chinese lawyer who spearheaded efforts to have the pieces returned to Beijing, warned that the failure to return them would not soothe Franco-Chinese ties, frayed over the sensitive issue of Tibet.


Shortlyafter their sale, Liu Yang, a Chinese lawyer who spearheaded efforts tohave the pieces returned to Beijing, warned that the failure to returnthem would not soothe Franco-Chinese ties, frayed over the sensitiveissue of Tibet.


John Morris 4 downgraded Gap in part because he thinks they're behind on hot trends like jeans with 5 frayed 6 waistbands .


He had a brown hat on his head, and a dirty belcher handkerchief round his neck; with the long frayed ends of which he smeared the beer from his face as he spoke.


If we were able to take as the finest allegory of simulation the Borges tale where the cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that it ends up exactly covering the territory but where the decline of the Empire sees this map become frayed and finally ruined, a few threads still discernible in the deserts...


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Frayed In Doubt
The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
Torn And Frayed

The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
