查询词典 fox-hunting
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From the evidental views of Little Prince, the experience of Saint-Exupery and the experience of Rommel and the whole history, we can see that the similarities between the fox in desert in Little Prince and Rommel, the experience and the personality and idea of Saint - Exupery and the common spirit between Saint - Exupery and Rommel are the reasons that Saint - Exupery regarded Rommel as one of the prototypes of the fox in desert in Little Prince.
In his wanderings across the desert, Saint-Exupéry had a number of hallucinations, including an encounter with a fennec, a type of desert sand fox that bears a striking resemblance to the fox depicted in The Little Prince .
在他的流浪在沙漠,圣埃克苏佩里有一些幻觉,包括遇到的fennec ,一种沙漠狐狸负有酷似福克斯描述小王子。
The main danger to us is when a rabid fox bites a dog, or a dog eats a fox with the virus.
Fox is with the grape Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again Can not take off.
The fox trotting rod to mention, bamboo vines head into the ground, accurately, bamboo foxes paddle is pretty high and cast down, freedom, rod fox successfully passed high grape, safely landed soft grass.
The arctic fox can hunt lemming that they can't see beneath the snow, but if the arctic fox can't kill enough to eat, it will settle for leftovers from other animals.
The squirrel is unlike squirrel and the fox be unlike fox.
In asking for the hindquarters to provide the principal propulsion power the Standard may be referring to the Fox Terrier's ability to keep up with horse and fox at-the-gallop—not the trot.
This promotion of 360, must saying is brillant, the 360 one share flow that sold oneself give head of a station, stationmaster is met very of effort to 360 promotion, you see the promotion of red fox, you popularize a Google to give you how many money, the effect is to do not have however 360 a lot of better, the promotion of red fox compared with the promotion of 360 low is a class not just.
Those who have recently chosen the vehicle include Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the "Ocean's 13" premiere in Hollywood; Fox Entertainment Chairman Peter Liguori at the FOX All-Star Party in Santa Monica; Richard Gere and Sharon Stone at the Cinema for Peace Gala in Berlin; and "An Inconvenient Truth" producer Davis Guggenheim Oscar(R for the best Documentary Feature and Best Foreign Language Film Oscar winner, director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck at the 2007 Academy Awards; among others.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Fox On The Run
- Never Lost A Chicken To A Fox
- The Fox In The Snow
- The Red Fox
- Fox Chase
- Looking For A Fox
- The Fox And The Wolf
- Fox Boogie
- Dog And A Fox
- The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)
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