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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

President Akio Toyoda, the 53-year-old grandson of the founder, has tried to push out one of the nonfamily executives: his predecessor as president, Katsuaki Watanabe, now vice chairman.


He is also the co-founder of OmniVision Tech (NASDAQ: OVTI), which is a leading provider of SMOS image sensors.

之前,1995年陈先生在硅谷共同创办了OmniVision公司,开发了全球首款彩色CMOS图像传感器芯片,该公司于2000年在NASDAQ上市(NASDAQ: OVTI),至今保持着全球市场领先。

Yann Tambour has previously made music as the founder and orchestrator of Encre, a project which made use of samples, guitars electric and acoustic as well as other live instruments and his own unmistakable voice.


In the Oresteia, the political order of Athen mirrors the divine rule and justice; besides, Athene presented as a founder of Areopagus, she turn the old justice of violent revenge towards the new justice of trial, at the ending of the Oresteia, Eumenides and Athene reconcile themselves to their incorporation into the new order.


Flies to honey, vampires to blood-but we've got a glut of lawyers out there just looking for someone to sue, said John Banzhaf, the founder of ASH, an anti-smoking group. The Master Settlement Agreement of 1997, which cost tobacco firms $246 billion, much of it to be spent on anti-smoking measures, meant that after decades of barefaced lying, Big Tobacco found itself outspent and outmanoeuvred.

蜂蜜招引苍蝇,血液招引吸血鬼--但是我们有一大帮律师去寻找那些能够被起诉的人,反烟团体 ASH 的创始人 John Banzhaf 如是说。1997年的《控制结算协议》让烟草企业付出了2460亿美元,这些资金的绝大部分被用于禁烟措施,这意味着,厚颜无耻地说了几十年弥天大谎之后,烟草公司发现自身已经筋疲力尽和黔驴技穷。

Henry Zhang,the founder of OVIS, has over 8 years of experience in game industry. He had worked as an art director before and has taken part in the working process of a good many world-famous game projects.


The reason why the death of the father delivered the son from the bondage of the family was the son''s capacity for becoming himself the head of a new family and the founder of a new Patria Potestas; no such capacity was possessed by the woman and therefore she was never enfranchised.


Its existence had been postulated since the late 19th century, and astronomers working under Percival Lowell, the observatory's founder, had been chasing it photographically since 1906. Now theory had become fact.

从19世纪后期它的存在就被假定了,天文学家们在Percival Lowell的领导下从1906年已经用拍照方法来记录它,现在理论已经变成事实。

Hendrik Pieter Scholte, born in 1805 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, was the founder of Pella.


Founder of this site JIANG Guang-called people, in fact, he is to do Gay prostitution business, this page is pimping him a platform.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
