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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was the founder of the Hippocratic School of Medicine.


Spanish culture, especially literature and painting, shares a great place in the world's culture system, not only for the greatest horsebacker Don Quixote and the founder of cubism, Pablo Picasso, but also rely on this country's past place as maritime overlord and many of other artists such as poet Federico Garcia Lorca, great painter Diego Velazquez, Francisco Goya and the churches, music and dancing.

这不仅仅是因为伟大的骑士唐·吉诃德和立体主义画派的创始人毕加索,还有赖于这个国家曾经的霸主地位和其他许多艺术家,比如诗人 Federico Garcia Lorca ,伟大的画家 Diego Velazquez 和 Francisco Goya ,以及教堂、音乐和舞蹈。

Little do they realize that the founder and first Patriarch of that school in China, the Great Master Hsuan Tsang, whose teachings they are now following, not only did not oppose Pure Land, but actually propagated it.


Saint Teresa of 臀ila (1515-82) was a Spanish mystic, influential author, and founder of the religious order of Discalced, or Barefoot, Carmelites, also known as Teresa of Jesus.

圣德肋撒的臀国际法协会( 1515年至1582年)是一个西班牙语神秘的,有影响力的作者,并创办人的宗教秩序的 discalced ,或赤脚, carmelites ,又称为德肋撒的耶稣。

Georgian twenty lari note portraying Ilia Chavchavadze , founder of National Bank of Georgia

格鲁吉亚面值为20拉里的钞票,钞票上有格鲁吉亚国家银行的创立者 Ilia Chavchavadze 的图像。

The history of illycaffe is inextricably linked to the lives of the company's founder, Francesco Illy, and his family.

illy咖啡的历史与公司奠基人Francesco Illy以及其家族的生活是密不可分的。

According to Steve Chen, the Taiwan-born YouTube co-founder who founded YouTube together with Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, the famous video-sharing service was considered to launch a Chinese-language version for the convenience of Chinese Internet users.

据史蒂夫陈,台湾出生的YouTube的共同创办人谁成立的YouTube一起乍得赫尔利和卡里姆jawed ,著名的视频共享服务是考虑推出一个中国的语言版本,为方便中国互联网用户。

Qufu Kangli Machinery and Electrics Co., Ltd is located in Qufu, the hometown of the greatest thinker, educationalist and the founder of Confucianism in ancient China.


German Functionalism came into being in 1970s. Its founder Katharina Reiss proposed that the prospective function of target text should depend on the translation brief.


He is also executive director and founder of Kee, one of the citys most exclusive dining clubs.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
