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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Doctor Zhang, a patriotic overseas Chinese with French nationality is the founder of France, Co., Ltd. S ince 's founding in Paris in 1985,Professir Flane from L.

法国(elov、译音:依露美)公司创始人张博士系法籍爱国华人,于1985年在法国巴黎开创公司,法国著名的Andre Fantine生物医学美容研究所Flane教授和 L。

He rides an Aviac 1960.A founder of the Hanoi old bicycle club, Hung, is the owner of the biggest collection of old bicycles in Hanoi, with nearly 40 bikes including famous French brands like Mercie, Peugeot, Marila, Follis, Joang Fonix, Sterling and Aviac.

骑一辆1960年代的 Aviac ,阿雄是河内古董车俱乐部的创始人之一,他有着河内最大的古董车收藏量,其中包括了像 Mercie, Peugeot, Marila, Follis, Joang Fonix, Sterling 和 Aviac 在内的著名的法国品牌。

Steve Gorlin, founder and co-chairman, says he pushed for such provisions after seeing Robert Nardelli, the ousted CEO of Home Depot Inc., walk away with a $210 million exit package.

该公司创始人和联席董事长高林表示,他是在目睹家得宝(Home Depot Inc。)首席执行长纳德里被迫下台后还拿了2.1亿美元的解约费后,决定加入此类条款的。

In practice, however, this reverence seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom is supposed to be reincarnation of the first of the line, their original founder -- for the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls was retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.

实践不过,现在这个虔敬似乎已完全堕落成为迷信崇拜的& granth &;甚至某一个空泛的神,是归功于以十大师,每个人应该是轮回的第一线,其原先的创始人-为印度教教义轮回的灵魂被保留甚至诞辰自己,而且有相当多的p antheistic语言出现在零件的神圣赞美诗。

In practice, however, this reverence seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom is supposed to be reincarnation of the first of the line, their original founder -- for the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls was retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.


In his hometown, founder of Alice Ka-ching, the development of education; initiative to raise funds and purchase "benefit" small Guzmania, sailing in Hong Kong, with Tang on the grid, to improve traffic.


Hanafites Abu Hanifa (d. 767), was the founder of the Hanafi school.

hanafites 阿布哈尼(四767 ),是创办人的哈纳学校。

Hanafites Abu Hanifa (d. 767), was the founder of the Hanafi school.

Hanafites 阿布哈尼法( 4 767 ),是创始人哈纳菲学校。

Previously an associate member of Motorpsycho and until now their co-producer, Helge Sten is probably best known as founder member and producer of freeform quartet Supersilent.

Helge Sten最广为人知的是他挪威传奇前卫四重奏Supersilent的创始团员身份,不过当他以Deathprod名义走进自己的audio virus 实验室时,一切总是让人难以预料。

Herakles is the legendary founder of the Olympic


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
