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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frank baldino jr., the founder of cephalon, was the most overpaid, according to crystal's algorithm: he took home $11.15 million, eight times more than what the model said he deserved.


Finally, Ming Chien, the founder of First International Computer gave me the following advice


"I just want to do the thing that Im really interested in:Letting more people know about Jay and his music,"said Wu,founder of Jaycn.com,Chous major fan club on the mainland.


Dr. Blackwell is the founder and CEO of Anybots and a partner at Y Combinator.

Viaweb后来被雅虎公司所收购。现在也是Y Combinator的合伙人。

The idea, says James Watson, BioJoule's co-founder, is that farmers would grow coppiced willow trees which could be processed into wood chips and then transported to a conversion plant to be turned into ethanol.


Unit features: complete and Founder of space there is no waste, and this Unit has implemented in the Cored possible.


First, Rael Lissoos, Dabba's founder and a socially minded entrepreneur, uses the cheapest technology he can find to build a wireless network.

首先,Dabba的创始人Rael Lissoos,一个兼具社会意识的企业家,用他能找得到的最便宜的技术来建设无线网络。

Appalachia is located in the foothills of the historic city of Atlanta, beautiful scenery humanities Feng Yun,brought together many of the South Gate of prominent families People's lives affluent leisure,fashion industry has been developed,various boutiques range,and many specialized services for the wives of the elite members of senior clubs,beauty of Dandli club is one of the most prestigious one Dan Li from the beauty of the French capital of Paris her founder Dr,DELLE is a senior beauty experts,customer service clubs for the factory from France are also invited to the formulation research and development centers,senior engineers and beauty consultants,Under the skin of their customers to provide tailor-made situation in the beauty services,so that each one of the Gui Furen come here to enjoy a unique private servece,so sought after by their warm,the Atlanta law Danli become a fashion circles Stars shining star,customers at the door surplus, steady stream As more and more people like Dan li on the law,DELLE Dr,begun to consider to let more people can share the beauty of Danli results,then introduced to the brand name of Danli series of cosmetics,According to her collection of a lot of customer feedback and use of


Young woman later became the founder of the Tzu Chi Foun dation, Dharma


The French philosopher Jacque Derrida is the founder of Destructionism Theory and the Ruassian philosopher Bakhtin is the creator of Carnival Poetics.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
