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The Yiddish people must be counted among the founders founder-nations of modern Europe.


Stew Albert , a co-founder of the Yippie Party, agreed to write an article for the local counter-culture newspaper, the Berkeley Barb , on the subject of the park, particularly to call for help from local residents.

炖 ,共同伟业,是Yippie党的创始人,不同意写的文章当地反文化的报纸,伯克利倒钩的主题,公园,特别是呼吁当地居民的帮助。

Charles Taylor, the founder of Taylors of Harrogate, took to tea like a Yorkshireman to cricket. He was an ambitious chap and opened up his own chain of shops, know as the "Taylors Kiosks".

查尔斯·泰勒是Taylors of Harrogate的创立者,他对茶的喜爱就如约克夏人们喜爱板球一样。

He is the founder of Zoroastrianism and reformed aspects of an older religion.


The student of Zoroastrianism is confronted by several problems concerning the religion's founder.


ABAC representative of China, Alibaba founder Jack Ma main push a new type of "microcredit" model.


It is by no means clear that the Self which is really no-Self of the Mahaparinirvana-Sutra is at all comparably to the Advaita Brahman, and anyway these Tathagatagarbha sutras are earlier than Gaudapada, the founder of the Hindu Advaita school.

这绝不是明确的,在般若涅槃经中自我是真的无我,这是与婆罗门教完全相同的。当然,如来藏的经典要早于的Gaudapada ,印度的不二学派的创始人。

The evening was to honor late Atlantic Records founder and producer Ahmet Ertegun, and the band's devoted throng -- many of whom had paid thousands of dollars and flown thousands of miles to see them -- could not have been happier.

今晚,是为了对Atlantic Records唱片的创办者和制作人Ahmet Ertegun,还有深爱乐队的人们表示尊敬,给他们以荣耀,他们一掷千金,行驶上千里只为能看到他们的表演,还有比这更感到幸福的吗。

David was a director of Bleasdale Wines from1989 to 1997, a founder of the "Langhorne Greek Winemakers Association" he also helped establish the "Langhorne Greek Water Company", bringing water from Lake Alexandrina to Langhorne Greek.


Alexius I Comnenus was one of the outstanding emperors of the later Byzantine Empire and the founder of Comnenus Dynasty.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
