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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr. Startler, the founder of the modern hotel, set up single bathroom in each room and carry out the standardized management.


Mr. Startler, the founder of the modern hotel, set up single bathroom in each room and carry out the standardized management. The history that each room set up internet interface and management individualization is the remarkable revolution of the hotel industry in 20th century.


Zhou Enlai is the founder of Chinese statesmanship system.26 years as the Premier made him rich in experiences on statesmanship .A research should be carried out on that .


Stendhal is the founder of French Critical Realism, his novel still has the unique charm nowadays.


Positioning Locating a brand in consumers' minds over and against competitors in terms of attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer Attribute or benefit Quality and price Use or user Competition Attribute or benefit: Volvo and safety; Visa is "everywhere you want to be." Quality and price: super premium vodkas like Stolichnaya Gold Use or user: Max Factor is the "makeup that makeup artists use." Competition: Body Shop founder, Anita Roddick, emphasized that her products stood for natural ingredients, no animal testing, and recyclable containers.

定位 将一个品牌植入消费者脑海并以该品牌的特质或优势与其他竞争者竞争特质或优势质量及价格用处及使用群体竞争特质或优势:提到沃尔沃想到安全;提到Visa想到"行遍天下"质量及价格:绝对优质的伏特加诸如红牌和金牌伏特加用处及使用群体:Max Factor是"化妆大师用的化妆品"竞争:Body Shop创始人,Anita Roddick,将她的产品定义为纯天然成分,无动物试验,可回收循环包装容器

That has turned into an opportunity for April Strider, founder of SafeSmart Inc. The St.


He is also co-founder and co-director of Stroma New Music Ensemble.


It is our policy not to lay off people because of the large fluctuations in work load produced by such voluntary volume changes. We would rather have some slack in the organization from time to time than keep everyone terribly busy writing business on which we are going to lose money. Jack Ringwalt, the founder of National Indemnity Company, instilled this underwriting discipline at the inception of the company, and Phil Liesche never has wavered in maintaining it. We believe such strong-mindedness is as rare as it is sound - and absolutely essential to the running of a first-class casualty insurance operation.

我们不愿因为生意时好时坏而必须常常裁员,相对地,我们宁愿保持一点宽松的弹性,而不是让大家忙的要死,到头来却发现作的是亏本的生意,公司在 Jack Ringwalt 创办时便立下此一理念,而 Phil 从未放弃保持此一优良传统,我们也认为这是经营一家一流的产险公司必备的条件。

It is our policy not to lay off people because of the large fluctuations in work load produced by such voluntary volume changes. We would rather have some slack in the organization from time to time than keep everyone terribly busy writing business on which we are going to lose money. Jack Ringwalt, the founder of National Indemnity Company, instilled this underwriting discipline at the inception of the company, and Phil Liesche never has wavered in maintaining it. We believe such strong-mindedness is as rare as it is sound -and absolutely essential to therunning of a first-class casualty insurance operation.

我们不愿因为生意时好时坏而必须常常裁员,相对地,我们宁愿保持一点宽松的弹性,而不是让大家忙的要死,到头来却发现作的是亏本的生意,公司在Jack Ringwalt创办时便立下此一理念,而Phil 从未放弃保持此一优良传统,我们也认为这是经营一家一流的产险公司必备的条件。

The main opposition is the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, which is heir to the nationalist movement led by independent Indonesia's founder, Sukarno, and is led by his daughter, Megawati Sukarnoputri, whom Mr Yudhoyono replaced as president.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
