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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Margaret Sanger is the mother of modern contraception and the founder of Planned Parenthood.


Was the founder of the Plantagenet dynasty and ruled England for 35years.


Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, claimed to have received a revelation and a command ordering him to re-introduce plural marriage and restore the polygamous condition tolerated among the pre-Judaic tribes.


Its founder, John Podesta, was a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and led Obama's transition team.

进步中心的创始人John Podesta是尔·克林顿旗下的前白宫幕僚长,并带领奥巴马的过渡小组。

Outstanding American evangelical missiologists have been Rufus Anderson, the nineteenth century popularizer of the indigenous church ("Missions are instituted for the spread of a Scriptural, self propagating Christianity"); Kenneth Scott Latourette and R Pierce Beaver, two outstanding authorities on the history of missions and younger churches; Donald A McGavran, the founder of the Church Growth movement; Eugene A Nida, the expert on Bible translation and the cross cultural communication of the Christian faith; J Herbert Kane, the prolific writer of primary texts on all aspects of the Christian mission; and George W Peters, the creative biblical theologian in the Mennonite tradition.

杰出的美国福音派missiologists已rufus安德森, 19世纪popularizer的土著教会("任务,是为向蔓延的一个圣经,自我宣扬基督教");丁斯科特latourette和R皮尔斯海狸,两位杰出当局对历史特派团和年轻教会;司长一麦加夫兰,创办的教会增长运动;尤金一奈达,专家对圣经翻译与跨文化交际的基督教信仰; j赫伯特凯恩,多产作家,小学文本的所有方面基督徒的使命和乔治W彼得斯,创造性圣经神学家,在门诺派的传统。

The 37-year-old founder and chief executive of American Apparel, the largest T-shirt manufacturer in America, has been called a brilliant businessman, an amateur pornographer, a Jewish hustler and a man with a social mission.

恰尼(Dov Charney一向惹人争议,他是美国最大的T恤生产商美国服饰的创办者与总裁,有人称他是出色的商人,有人称他是业余色情照片摄影师,有人称他是个喜欢投机取巧的犹太奸商,还有人称他是个背负社会使命的人。

Based on the fundamental works done by professor Fan Ky, who was the founder of this direction, the present paper introduces the definitions of the class of meromorphic univalent operator-valued functions with positive operator coefficients on Hilbert space and the argument of the operator-valued functions, improves and extends some problems in classical geometry theory of complex functions to the case of operator-valued functions, and studies them respectively.

基于该方向的首倡者Fan Ky教授关于该理论的奠基性工作,本文引入了一类星形算子值函数的定义以及解析算子值函数辐角的定义,将经典的复变函数几何理论中的一些问题推广到了解析算子值函数的情况,并分别进行了讨论。

The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes is viewed by many as the founder of the positivist approach to law.


Its founder, Yeoh Tiong Lay, built a giant construction business with state contracts in the country's early post-independence period.

它的创建人,Yeoh Tiong Lay,在该国独立初期获得国家合同建立了一家巨型建筑公司。

Its founder, Yeoh Tiong Lay, builta giant construction business with state contracts in the country'searly post-independence period.

它的创建人,Yeoh TiongLay,在该国独立初期获得国家合同建立了一家巨型建筑公司。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
