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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lu Xun was the first comprehensive understanding of Chinese national character, is also criticized the national character of the founder, Mao Zedong said:"Lu Xun's bones are the most hard, not the slightest Nuyan and obsequiousness, he was China's unprecedented national hero."


Partial contents: One Key to all Sacred Books; The ABC of Magic; Chaldean Oracles; The Book of Hermes; Three Ways Open to the Adept; Names are Symbols; Characters of the Bible; The Book of Enoch; Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines; Numbers and Magic; Occult Weapons; The Duty of the True Occultist; Two Eternal Principles; St. Paul the real founder of Christianity; Apollonius no Fiction; Biographies of Initiates; Kabalistic Readings of Gospels; Magic in Antioch; The Septenary Sephira; Seven Keys to all Allegories; The Mystery of the Sun; Magical Statutes; Masonry and Jesuits; Mysteries and Masonry; Egyptian Initiation; Root of Races; Celestial Wheels; Christian Star Worship; Defense of Astrology; The Seven Rays; Secret Books; Tibetan Prophecies; Swedenborg; Occult Secrecy; and much more!


High-grade advanced machinery and equipment is assumed business hardware security, the people Langfang Founder Phototypesetting owned printing system, the two groups are the four American Oriental color back 48 reported high-speed offset rotary printing machine, two rotary Taipei production, the two Taiwan Strait Fort off four-color, two quarto four-color printing presses, a four-color printing octavo; Beiren producing two-color, single-, double-sided offset platforms five books, domestic laminating machine, cutting machine palpable , UV, indentation machine, as well as fine books, paperback double booking packages and other major equipment.


Despite the old-World imagery of the railroad industry,one of the biggest investors in WisconsinCentra1is Microsoft founder Bil1Gates.


Mr.Huang Yanpei is the originator and founder of vocational education of our country in modern times.


He was the outspoken founder of the Review.


We came into this decade horribly overprice d,' said Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of money managers GMO LLC.

理财公司GMO LLC的联合创始人格兰瑟姆说,我们进入本世纪时价值被高估得厉害。

Pantaloon Retail, India's biggest and fastest-growing retailer, has 144 shops in 32 cities, and Kishore Biyani, its founder, plans to double the square footage of his empire by next June.

印度最大、发展最快的销售企业Pantaloon零售在32座城市拥有144家店,而且该企业的创办者Kishore Biyani计划在明年六月让他的商业帝国增长一倍。

I am the owner/ founder of TN Paranormal.


稀有物种,生境损失和灭绝(V1) Founder effect This term describes the establishment of a new population by one or a few individual, resulting in low levels of genetic variation and often a disproportionate number of alleles that are rate in the parent population.

Genetic bottleneck 建立者效应建立者效应描述由一个或几个个体建立新种群,导致低水平的遗传变异和在亲本种群中稀少的等位基因的经常不成比例的数量。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
