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与 founder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Egyptian-born founder of Neoplatonism, who synthesized the ideas of Plato and other Greek philosophers.

出生于埃及的创始人neoplatonism ,他们合成的思路,柏拉图和其他希腊哲学家。

They are the trailblazer with the founder of the network and epochal creation, purely oneself labor should get their gain money, this is inevitable!


Its initial name is "the New York daily Times"(The New-York Daily Times), the founder is Henry J· Raymond and George Jones.

它最初的名字是"纽约每日时报"(The New-York Daily Times),创始人是亨利·J·雷蒙德和乔治·琼斯。

"This will be the phonebook for purchasers of components," said Curt Gerrish, founder and chief executive of Rochester (Newburyport, Mass.).


Xavier Niel, the founder of Iliad, a young broadband firm which has upended France's internet-access market and wants to do the same for mobile telephony, says he is prepared for any attempts at intimidation.

伊利亚特公司的创始人Xavier Niel说,任何人企图对他进行威胁,他都乐意奉陪。他创办的这家年轻的宽带公司已经把法国的网站介入市场搅了个底朝天,还打算继续进军移动通讯领域。

"Stéphane Richard is far more attuned to the market than Didier Lombard," says Xavier Niel, founder of Iliad, a young telecoms firm which has upended the French broadband market.

Xavier Niel是伊里亚特公司的创建者。这家公司成立时间不长,却逆转性地掌握了法国的宽带业务。Xavier Niel这样评价Richard:在把握市场这方面,Didier Lombard远逊于Stéphane Richard。

Many legends have grown up around the name of Nimrod, some claiming that he was identical with "Ninus," an early Babylonian king or god (king of Assyria, founder of Nineveh, known in history as Shamshi-Adad V of 811 B.C.).

与 Nimrod (旧约创世纪10:8 - 9 的名字)名字有关的许多传说已经流传开来,一些宣称他和" Ninus "是同一个人,如早期巴比伦国王或神亚述的国王,尼尼微(古代亚述首都的创始人,如历史中有名的西元前811年的 Shamshi- Adad V 。。

Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences.


Furthermore, I have fallen into the habit of referring to the founder of a clan with a nominative of the can's name.


Processing is "certainly the major nongreen factor in bamboo fabric," says Morris Saintsing, a founder and partner of the Andrews, S.C.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
