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与 formal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been more than 50 years since psychologist McCulloch and mathematician Pitts proposed mathematical model of formal neurons ...


He began his formal studies in composition at McGill University under Jean Lesage.


This semester we will make second exploitation in the formal basis and prepare for the second MCP game.


So, establishing the evaluation and framework of Regional indigenous innovation capability and analyzing the relationship between the formal measurement and other regional development quality is becoming an important and practical task. A conceptual model of regional indigenous innovation capability is set up based on the all kinds of capability development theory from macro perspective and focusing on reform and open policy in China. Through the concrete evaluation of regional indigenous innovation capability, we propose the research hypothesis of relationship between regional economic development quality and regional indigenous innovation capability. In reference of new development theory, the measurable analysis model is set up to further multi-level demonstration and draws corresponding conclusion and policy.


Large, medium wave on wave of the regular, small tidal wave of half-day for non-formal.


On May 23, 2006, entering Greek government in the Wu Bangguo's chairman of Greek visit ship's classification society of formal authorization China is begun legal examining signing ceremony, open the country of thearchy and Oriental megalosaurus in all of dance prelusive.


After a few more years of formal education, Melville left school at eighteen to become an elementary school teacher.


Its menswear with both casual and more formal pieces.


This year in June, river of dark blue of billows of Shikoku of medium, old, remote, peaceful, celebration of formal be open to navigation or air traffic is in Mekong merchantman Jing Hong city is held ceremoniously, realized signatory each merchantman freedom be open to navigation or air traffic between.


The security of PKI system itself is especially emphasized during the system design and implementation process, which is in accordance with the pervasive characteristic of PKI. Second, the concept of a Trusted Key Management Center is introduced for the first time. This technology greatly strengthens key management practices and allows for smooth transition from PKI to Key Management Infrastructure. Third, certificate status mechanisms are investigated in depth, and a certificate revocation performance simulation system is devised. All these work will provide guides to practice and employment of PKI applications. Based on time constraints, a new taxonomy for authenticated dictionaries is proposed. Fourth, formal analysis ofOCSP protocol is carried out; then an efficient and scalable OCSP system is developed. Fifth, the special requirements caused by the working environments of Wireless PKI are analyzed. Based on communicative hashing and dynamic Merkle hash tree, an efficient certificate status validation method suitable for WPKI is presented. Sixth, one important kind of fair exchange protocols is studied, and a new CEMBS based on RSA cryptosystem is proposed. Afterwards, a novel fair exchange protocol totally based on RSA signature scheme is devised.


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Formal Obsession
Formal Invite
A Formal Introduction
(Hurricane) The Formal Weather Pattern

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
