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It can be realized at lexico-grammatical level by informal slang, vulgarisms, ellipses, tags, etc., formal complex sentences, nominalization, and vocatives, modalization with both formal and informal style; at phonological/graphological level by allophone/allograph.
It is important for the application of formal approach and formal specification in all stages of software development to study and design automatic refinement from Z to high-levellanguage: Insure complete formalization in all stages of software development; Avoid antilogy in refinement due to mistaken operation or computative mistake and insure consistency and integrity of system; Due to avoiding manual operation in refinement process, it is feasible to bulid a compile environment that Z specification automatic refine and form high-level programme, this will accelerate the promotion and application of Z in industry.
Just as assumpsit provided the formal framework for the law of contract, trespass on the case provided the formal frame for the development of the tort of negligence.
Ernest August Gutt has been engaged in this domain and made great achievements.A systematic research on Gutt"s translation theory clarifies some misunderstandings concerning this theory, disclosing its true nature and exploring its explanatory power to translation practice. Furthermore this thesis probes into the application of Gutt"s theory to literary translation, pointing out that Gutt fails to realize the important role that non-formal aesthetic markers, such as tone and feeling, play in transferring aesthetic values in literary translation, though he lays much emphasis on the transference of formal aesthetic markers. Attempts have been made to amend Gutt"s theory in respect of transferring aesthetic values of literary work by means of "non-formal aesthetic markers, with the aim of making it more suitable for literary translation between Chinese and English.
In the pre-experiment stage, we analyze the colors and shapes of 135 visual illusions by Kitaoka, a Japanese scholar. The result is referenced in the formal experiment. Formal experiment includes three sub-experiments: Experiment 1 is to discuss the effect of the displacement of disjunctive center on visual illusions' movement; Experiment 2 is to discuss the effect of image layout on visual illusions' movement; Experiment 3 is to discuss the effect of color configuration on visual illusions' movement. Post-experiment stage is a repeat of formal experiment to confirm the results.
In the end, this essay demonstrates the authorizing function of informal interpretation and evolvement between informal interpretation and formal interpretation. Author divides informal interpretation into criminal jurisprudence interpretation, quasi-criminal judicature interpretation and formal interpretation by formal authorization institute and makes a detail demonstration on varieties of mechanism of how to exert the influence of authorized organ to effect interpretation and its application.
Seen from the perspective of legal anthropology, formal regulations, non-formal regulations and quasi-formal regulations constitute the regulation system in base-level countryside.
Therefore, whether the formal regulations, non-formal regulations and quasi-formal regulations are well-coordinated and positively interactive is of vital importance to building stable social order in the countryside.
Formal rulemaking differs from formal adjudication in certain structural arrangements; those responsible for developing and presenting the agencys analysis at the hearing, for example, are not required to be separated from the decision process as they are in formal adjudications.
Formal Theory of context can be used in many areas of AI: Using the formal notion of context in representation and reasoning not only embodies context-dependency of knowledge, but also make representations simpler. Since the reasoning process can be localized, the efficiency and openness of systems are both improved. In Natural Language Understanding systems, formal theories of context provide a framework for representing ambiguity and make the process of disambiguating easier.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Formal Obsession
- Formal Invite
- A Formal Introduction
- (Hurricane) The Formal Weather Pattern
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With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
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