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与 forgery-proof 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other real signers who act effectively on the instrument, include indorser, acceptor and warrantor, but except forgery, the party whose signature has been forged and holder.


Base on clarity of authenticate elements of electronic evidence, deep understanding of format sand contents of digital audio, digital audio forgery tools and methods, from the audio analysis of Verifier-Tuple theory, we research on three main aspects: audio waveform statistical characteristics, incidental background noise characteristics, audio additional information.


They allow that the backend server could delegate the reader to identify the tag information. But the Fouladgar and Afifi's SiDES protocol will suffer from the replay attack, forgery attack, Denial-of-Service attack and fail to achieve the forward security. Although Lin's protocol uses timestamp to control the delegation, it does not keep forward security property under the same time frame.


Yesterday, I saw a report , nearly a hundred children died for injecting high temperature vaccine, funny thing about that is all the vaccine once be tested qualified by the authorities, I think all these conscienceless guys should go down to hell, they have fun with other's life, only people suffer from the distress of false goods can they know how hateful this forgery is, failure monitoring of government case such behavior, so , May be I am not moral, I hope all the things the monitoring government buy are false, such as articles for daily use ,they should become the victim of their own evil deeds.


Forgery is an interpretation of authenticity and is contributable to an aesthetic interpretation and research of the work of art.


Each illegal sector has its own reasons for success: internet banks are easier to rob than high-street ones, for instance, and passport forgery has become easier since the accession to the EU of countries with more easily forgeable documents.


But the passage may conceivably be a Julianist forgery.


That this fundamental book of religion, containing such a free and pure stream of truth, could be pseudepigraphic, and that the whole nation should have considered as of Mosaic origin and of divine authority, and have adopted at once, without objection or criticism, a book which was a forgery, of the existence of which no one knew anything before that time, and which demanded radical modifications of the religious life, and especially of worship, is inconceivable.

这本书根本的宗教,载有这样一个自由和纯流的真理,可pseudepigraphic ,以及全民族应视为镶嵌的起源和神圣的权力,并已通过一次,无异议或批评,本书是伪造的,存在哪些没有人知道什么之前的时间,要求修改激进的宗教生活,特别是崇拜,是不可想象的。

That this fundamental book of religion, containing such a free and pure stream of truth, could be pseudepigraphic, and that the whole nation should have considered as of Mosaic origin and of divine authority, and have adopted at once, without objection or criticism, a book which was a forgery, of the existence of which no one knew anything before that time, and which demanded radical modifications of the religious life, and especially of worship, is inconceivable.


MrKerviel, who was released from prison on bail in March, is beinginvestigated for forgery, breach of trust and unauthorised use of acomputer in connection with unhedged transactions.


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This Is A Forgery

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
