英语人>网络例句>forgery-proof 相关的网络例句

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与 forgery-proof 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is where they do things that are technically illegal–like document forgery and computer hackery and all kinds of other shady stuff.


The left wing of criticism openly acknowledges that there is no use in hushing up matters; it actually is the result of scientific research that both form and contents of a great part of the Old Testament are based on conscious fiction and forgery.


Illegal access to system, edition, and forgery of multimedia document is proven to be impossible.


For these decrees it is said that "No other illegitimacy in the history of the world was made with such cleverness, and no other forgery has such results", as a great historian wrote.


It can provide effective protection for digital media forgery, authentication, security and intactness by embedding a special mark into multimedia data.


It can provide effective protection for digital media forgery, falsification, authentication, security and intactness by embedding a special mark into the multimedia data.


Of all these varieties the examination of our two epistles will furnish plain examples, and I should rely on this class of instances more than on the last, because although an impostor might transcribe into a forgery entire sentences and phrases, yet the dislocation of words, the partial recollection of phrases and sentences, the intermixture of new terms and new ideas with terms and ideas before used, which will appear in the examples that follow, and which are the natural products of writing produced under the circumstances in which these epistles are represented to have been composed -- would not, I think, have occurred to the invention of a forger, nor, if they had occurred would they have been so easily executed.

所有这些品种考试我们两国的书信将为其提供平原的例子,我要依靠这一类的实例,比过去,因为虽然一impostor可能抄写成为一个伪造整个句子和词组,但脱位换言之,部分记忆的短语和句子, intermixture新名词和新思路的条款和想法之前,使用,其中将出现在后续的例子,这是自然的产物,以书面形式制作的情况下,在这些书信是代表已组成的-不会,我认为,发生的发明,一伪造,也不是,如果他们发生了,他们会一直这么容易执行枪决。

The SV vectors are then lexicographically sorted, and copy forgery regions are localized by detecting for all neighborhood vectors.


The issuer shall honor the presentation, if honor is demanded by a nominated person who has given value fraud, a confirmer who has honored its confirmation in good faith,a holder in due course of a draft drawn under the letter of credit which was taken after acceptance by the issuer or nominated person,or an assignee of the issuer or nominated person's deferred obligation that was taken for value and without notice of forgery or material fraud after the obligation was incurred by the issuer or nominated person,and


It is to postulate a literary miracle, says Plummer, to suppose that one of the books was a forgery written in Imitation of the other.


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This Is A Forgery

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
