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foreign exchange相关的网络例句

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与 foreign exchange 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The article analysed the foreign trade effect to macroscopical economy through metric analysis method, the VAR model that uses vector to be returned to oneself will be opposite income of foreign trade amount, import total, export total, finance and foreign currency exchange rate undertake VAR is returned to, reach the; of cross correlation relation of many variable answered function to analyse the long-term and harmonious relationship between foreign trade and reform economic norms through concussion.


Therefore, foreign investment in next year's growth is how the exchange rate, if the exchange rate adjustment and adjustment to achieve 10% growth rate of foreign investment will obviously slowed down.

因此,外国投资在明年的增长是怎样的汇率,如果汇率调整和调整,以实现10 %增长速度的外国投资将明显放慢。

In this study, we use a sample of 186 firms in Taiwan that have export ratio for at least 10 percent in the sample period to examine their exchange rate exposures and the effect of usage of currency derivatives on currency exposures. In the determinants of exchange rate exposure, we find that exchange rate exposure is positively related to the foreign sales ratio, firm size and quick ratio.


Trade, consumer electronic products trade, power station equipment trade. Trade in services and industrial investment areas, Afro-Asian International Group, its frequent use of foreign exchanges, with the civil business built up good cooperation relationship and personal connections as well as the perfect professional services, engage in exchange of cultural performances, exhibition services, Business States to study business travel, project management consulting, the World Bank Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank and other international financial institutions, project contracting loans, government grants foreign aid project contracting, the introduction of U.S. venture capital patent production of civilian sensors, and the International Geothermal Association Cooperation in the geothermal resources development and utilization, engineering supervision and six Indian companies for electricity power station in India Highway Advisory sewage treatment project tender, with the Indian national and local chambers of commerce to engage in trade consultation, and cooperation between the Confederation of Indian Industry Exhibition Services, and the Federation of Indian mining and mineral owners Orissa iron ore trade cooperation between the agents, and Iraq Alebier Construction Group cooperation in the cement exports, with the London Metal Exchange members of discarded rail trade cooperation with Ghana Minerals Association and the Sierra Leone Diamond Research Center, Shajin agreement agent and the diamond trade, and the Congo and Zambia Copper Company Acting copper and electrolytic copper trade, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Russia Acting Saudi oil trade in Malaysia Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia Amorco, Russia Trasnneft, Rusneft, Gasplome, Nigeria NPOC, Kazakhstan OSCJ, Iran's NOIC, Malaysian Petronas, Venezuela VNOC, Cyprus HANS OIL maintain good relations of cooperation, and nearly 100 more than the global oil agent and the channel exchanges sharing resources ......

在服务贸易和实业投资领域,亚非国际集团利用其频繁的对外交流,与各国政府民间商业界建立起来的良好合作关系和人脉关系以及完美的专业服务,从事文化演出交流活动、会展服务,赴各国商务考察商务旅游,项目管理咨询,世界银行亚洲开发银行非洲开发银行等国际金融机构工程承包贷款项目,政府赠款援外项目工程承包,引入美国风险投资专利生产民用传感器,与国际地热协会理事合作进行地热资源的开发和利用,与印度六家工程监理公司合作进行印度电力电站高速公路污水处理项目的咨询招标,与印度国家和地方商会合作从事贸易咨询,与印度工业联合会合作进行会展服务,与印度矿业联合会以及奥里萨邦矿业业主合作进行铁矿石贸易代理,与伊拉克阿勒比尔建工集团合作从事水泥建材出口,与英国伦敦金属交易所成员合作进行废旧钢轨贸易,与加纳矿产协会以及塞拉利昂钻石研究中心协议代理沙金和钻石贸易,与刚果赞比亚铜业公司代理铜矿和电解铜贸易,代理沙特尼日利亚俄罗斯哈萨克斯坦马来西亚印尼原油贸易,与沙特Amorco,俄罗斯Trasnneft, Rusneft, Gasplome,尼日利亚NPOC,哈萨克斯坦OSCJ,伊朗NOIC,马来西亚Petronas,委内瑞拉VNOC,塞浦路斯HANS OIL 保持良好合作关系,与全球近100多家石油代理商和渠道商往来密切资源共享。。。。。。

This chapter holds China as a host country.(1) It analyzes the data concerning FDI in China and import and export of foreign investment companies, concluding that the foreign investment companies in China have large-scale internal trades.(2) After analyzing the traits of processing trade itself, the development history and traits of processing trade in China, a conclusion is drawn that a large amount of internal trades are contained in the processing trade. It also analyzes the impact of this internal trade on the import and export trade, international balance and international industrial competitive in China.(3) After analyzing the technological structure, absorbent, innovation of FDI utilization in China, the strategy of "exchange market for technology" and pollution concerning the technology introduction, some conclusions are drawn that many severe problems, such as the low-leveled technology introduction structure, low popularizing and innovating rate of technology, market occupation of foreign products, pollution accompany foreign investment, are all have close relationship with the motives and functions of the internal trade.(4) According to the problems and their influences internal trade have on China, suggestions are put forward that China should control internal trade through transferring price, localization and policies attracting foreign investors.


After decades of efforts to gradually expand enterprise strength, especially in recent years to expand and foreign exchange businesses, co-operation and technology imports, with Germany Bartec, Loher, Breuer companies established a strategic cooperative partnership, and in certain industries and services, such as coal, petrochemical, power, water conservancy, metallurgy and other industries, formed its own advantage.


"This is probably the most significant central bank announcement since the Central Bank of Russia announced at the LBMA gold conference in Johannesburg in 2005 that it wanted to hold 10 per cent of its foreign exchange reserves in gold," said John Reade of UBS.

&这可能是央行宣布的最重要的事情,自从2005年俄罗斯央行在约翰内斯堡LBMA黄金会议宣布其需要持有10%的金黄作为外汇储备,&瑞士信贷的John Reade称。

In foreign exchange market, changes in monthly final products PPI are attached importance to.


Examples of major investments in recent years include: Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, two leading fashion brands in Europe and the United States; Travelex, the world's largest non-bank foreign exchange specialist; A number of leading telecom operators in Europe including an incumbent telco in Denmark, a wireless carrier in Greece, and an optical fiber network operator in Germany; Intelsat, the world's leading provider of satellite services; Hub, the leading insurance broker in the United States; New Look, an innovative value fashion retail chain in Europe; and Apollo Hospitals, the largest private hospital chain in India.

近年来成功投资的重大项目包括:欧美领先的服装品牌Tommy Hilfiger与Calvin Klein,全球最大的非银行外币汇兑商Travelex,几家欧洲主导的电信运营商如丹麦电信、希腊移动、德国光纤网络运营商,全球领先的卫星定位服务商Intelsat,美国领先的保险经纪商Hub,欧洲新潮的零售连锁公司New Look,以及印度最大的私人医院集团Apollo Hospitals等等。

In Japan, the growing current account surplus in the 1980s led to a huge credit expansion when the Bank of Japan failed to sterilize the impact of rising foreign exchange reserves.


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Foreign Exchange Student

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
