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与 forced 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter 8,during Culture Revolution, foreign intercommunication of education was forced to stop.

第八章 "文化大革命"中对苏教育交流的停滞。

Oger Plant heads the International Labor Organization's special action program to combat forced labor.


They were forced into internment camps by the United States government during World War Two.


No one is forced to display their colors and some think the program may be too intrusive.


Every time it starts to get really good, every time it reaches a romantic or emotional high, the soundtrack chimes in and ruins the scene with invariably intrusively and often downright awful songs, many of which sound like the producers dug up John Denver and forced an acoustic guitar into his decaying hands.

每一次开始获得真正好的,每一次达到一个浪漫的或情绪高,原声带在编钟和废墟现场,与总是intrusively ,而且往往简直是可怕的歌曲,其中有许多听起来像是生产者挖约翰丹佛和被迫一原声吉他到他腐烂的手中。

If they are forced to, they may do so intuitively, rather than by reasoning.


The Scientism caused an educational revolution in China, and forced China to turn our educational idea from "cultivate one's morality and character" to "specialist education", our educational content from inanition and inutility to practicality, our educational manner from closing to open, our pedagogy from nonexistence to existence, our educational study from roughness to fine.


You could say I was forced into investing.


It has been held that in determining whether a person is 'ordinary resident' in Hong Kong, the following guidelines were helpful: whether a person is ordinary resident in Hong Kong is a question of fact and degree and must be determined in all the circumstances; a person can have ordinary residence in two countries at the same time; the residence must be voluntary and cannot be forced against the person's free will; involuntariness may negative ordinary residence; and temporary or occasional absences of long or short duration do not negative ordinary residences: See Lau San Ching v Liu, Apollonia (1995) 5 HKPLR 23 at p 28, per Cheung J.


Agamemnon is forced to sacrifice Iphigenia, more or less, and sends her off (telling her she's gonna marry hunky Achilles) to die.


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Forced To Die
Forced To Drive
Forced To Love
Forced To Do Dirt
Forced In
Forced Doors On The 14th Floor

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
