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与 forced 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the pravity of mankind being such that they had rather injuriously prey upon the fruits of other men's labours than take pains to provide for themselves, the necessity of preserving men in the possession of what honest industry has already acquired and also of preserving their liberty and strength, whereby they may acquire what they farther want, obliges men to enter into society with one another, that by mutual assistance and joint force they may secure unto each other their properties, in the things that contribute to the comfort and happiness of this life, leaving in the meanwhile to every man the care of his own eternal happiness, the attainment whereof can neither be facilitated by another man's industry, nor can the loss of it turn to another man's prejudice, nor the hope of it be forced from him by any external violence.


It wasn't until the Battle of Inkerman, during which the British suffered many casualties and the hospitals became overcrowded, that the doctors were forced to ask for help.


In inky darkness the men made a forced march of 40 miles.


In inky darkness,the men made a forced march of 140 li.


By means of forced synchronization of current in thyristor branch with the line current, the mode switching from capacitive mode to Bypass can be implemented. In the switching strategy from capacitive mode to inductive veriner mode, a method of thyristor conditional firing is put forward. The thyristors will be fired and conducted on condition that both line current and capacitor voltage are inphase.


In order to limit the input current harmonics, many countries have forced to implement some limitation standards.


Prevent indulge core requirement of the system is, minor game is more than 5 hours namely " insalubrious " playtime, will be forced to get offline.


Police officials all but forced the president to jump back into the matter Friday, holding a news conference in Massachusetts to say that he and Mr. Patrick insensitively shot from the hip when they suggested bias had a role in Mr. Gates's arrest.


In pass two, having made this decision, it is now forced to honour it and keep the instruction large, so the code generated in this case is not as small as it could have been.


If someone is self-demanding and has a relatively rebellious character, he would do some intemperate acts when he is forced to do something which he doesn't like.


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Forced To Die
Forced To Drive
Forced To Love
Forced To Do Dirt
Forced In
Forced Doors On The 14th Floor

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
