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与 forced 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jude, II Peter, II and III John; these, like Origen, Eusebius wished to be admitted to the Canon, but was forced to record their uncertain status; the Antilegomena of the inferior sort were Barnabas, the Didache, Gospel of the Hebrews, the Acts of Paul, the Shepherd, the Apocalypse of Peter.

较好的是在教会中的圣雅各福群会和圣犹大书第一,二彼得第一,第二和第三约翰;这些一样,渊源,尤西比乌斯希望被接纳为佳能,但被迫将记录他们的不确定状态; antilegomena的劣排序分别巴纳巴斯, didache ,福音的希伯来人,行为的保罗,牧羊人,启示彼得。

When European would like to solve own problems, they feel the pressure from the outside world, which forced it to accept the antipathetic fact.


When the load is identified by use of a forced response of the system, the effect of antiresonance of the system could not be eliminated.


When his task was done Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time.


He struggled to get command of his voice; and then, looking up appealingly, forced the words out between his sobs


Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


This paper presents the basic construction and movement rules of the coordinator gyrorotor with reticle of Archimedes spiral reticule pattern , Also, it explains the principles and methods of dynamical balance to damp the vibration and forced nutation.


Can discover immediately, do not know to be kicked to go up by the child of whose home archness on the gate a lot of small footmark, he is forced to whitewash the gate afresh, but very fast, be kicked to go up again a few new black track.


The firm said in a statement it owed $250 million to the government while the government had not paid $112 million in dues — a vicious circle increasingly common in a recession-hit economy where firms and suppliers no longer have any cash. The Argentine government is fighting a liquidity crunch of its own amid a deep three-year economic slump that has forced its national airline and even cherished soccer clubs to take similar action to seek refuge from their creditors. The government granted a 30-year contract in 1997 to operate Correo Argentino to private holding company Sociedad Macri in return for twice-yearly payments of $53 million.

公司在声明中说它欠政府2.5亿美元,而政府也有1.12亿美元应付款没有给它——在经济不景气、公司和厂商都不再持有任何现金的阿根廷,这样的恶性循环越来越普遍。3年的严重经济衰退已经迫使国家航空公司乃至国人珍爱的足球俱乐部采取类似的行动以躲避债主,阿根廷政府自己也在为解决周转危机苦苦挣扎。1997年,政府批准了一个30年的合同,将阿根廷邮政交由私人控股公司Sociedad Macri运营,该公司为此需每年分两次付给政府5300万美元。

The firm said in a statement it owed million to the government while the government had not paid million in dues—a vicious circle increasingly common in a recession-hit economyswheresfirms and suppliers no longer have any cash. The Argentine government is fighting a liquidity crunch of its own amid a deep three-year economic slump that has forced its national airline and even cherished soccer clubs to take similar action to seek refuge from their creditors. The government granted a 30-year contract in 1997 to operate Correo Argentino to private holding company Sociedad Macri in return for twice-yearly payments of million.

公司在声明中说它欠政府2.5亿美元,而政府也有1.12亿美元应付款没有给它——在经济不景气、公司和厂商都不再持有任何现金的阿根廷,这样的恶性循环越来越普遍。3年的严重经济衰退已经迫使国家航空公司乃至国人珍爱的足球俱乐部采取类似的行动以躲避债主,阿根廷政府自己也在为解决周转危机苦苦挣扎。1997年,政府批准了一个30年的合同,将阿根廷邮政交由私人控股公司Sociedad Macri运营,该公司为此需每年分两次付给政府5300万美元。

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Forced To Die
Forced To Drive
Forced To Love
Forced To Do Dirt
Forced In
Forced Doors On The 14th Floor

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
