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for the most part相关的网络例句

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与 for the most part 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These various congregations of regular tertiaries are either autonomous or under episcopal jurisdiction, and for the most part they are Franciscan in name only, not a few of them having abandoned the habit and even the traditional cord of the order.


These various congregations of regular tertiaries are either autonomous or under episcopal jurisdiction, and for the most part they are Franciscan in name only, not a few of them having abandoned the habit and even the traditional cord of the order.


For the most part the stars of the HBO show have been reluctant to say outright whether they favor their vamps over the Cullens.


Although it seems more plausible to suppose that the real prophecies of Jeremiah are contained in the versified portions, whereas in the prose utterances the thoughts of Jeremiah have been worked over, for the most part in the form of sermons, the question still arises whether one is justified in "ascribing, with the greatest detail, writings which without doubt have passed through many hands before they received the form in which we know them, to their authors" see Nldeke in "ZDMG" lvii.

虽然它似乎是更合理的假设,真正的预言,耶利米,载于versified部分,而在散文话语的思想耶利米已工作,为在大部份的形式布道,这个问题仍然出现,是否一是合理的& ascribing ,与最大的细节,的著作,这毫无疑问已通过许多手中之前,他们收到的形式在这方面,我们知道他们,向他们作者&(见nldeke在& zdmg & lvii 。

The author takes the helicopter of large unit of beautiful army engineering to observe from in the sky, see Mississippi catchment is Campagna for the most part only, in downstream wadi is labyrinthian and winding, the Yangtse River with China, Yellow River and river of the Huaihe River are about the same.


Behind his smile Rostov saw in him that mood which he had seen in him at the club dinner and at other times, when Dolohov seemed, as it were, weary of the monotony of daily life, and felt a craving to escape from it by some strange, for the most part cruel, act.


There are similar anacolutha, incomplete sentences, play on words, long drawn periods, like comparisons, etc. The Pastorals are altogether practical, and therefore do not show the rugged fervour of style confined, for the most part, to the controversial and argumentative portions of his large epistles.

也有类似的anacolutha ,不完整的句子,文字游戏,漫长时期一样,比较等Pastorals是完全可行的,因此不会出现崎岖限於热情的风格,在大多数情况下,对有争议的和议论的部分他的大量书信。

During the years of his service—for the most part as an adjutant—Prince Andrey had seen the anterooms of many great personages, and the various characteristic types of such anterooms were very readily recognised by him.


Men for the most part, but also a number of ladies who, though dressed in velvet and wearing Indian shawls, and all with their own elegant broughams standing at the door, were examining the riches set out before them with astonished, even admiring eyes.


It was early, and yet a good crowd of visitors had already gathered in the apartment — men for the most part, but also a number of ladies who, though dressed in velvet and wearing Indian shawls, and all with their own elegant broughams standing at the door, were examining the riches set out before them with astonished, even admiring eyes.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
