英语人>网络例句>footprint 相关的网络例句

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与 footprint 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bit size of a file is about 8 times the bit size, making a 50KB page footprint equal to about 400 kilobits. Dividing 400 using a 50 kilobit modem, gives a download time of 8 seconds.

文件比特尺寸是比特尺寸的8倍,50kb 的网页尺寸就相当于400000比特,利用50000比特的调制解调器把400000比特分离,下载时间为8秒。

Heroine yellow real Iraq born in noble's family, but because the breeder mother was a geisha, find truth she follow footprint of mother resolutely, become, master lute-playing,chess,calligraphy and painting, poem skill pairs of unique a generation of famous actor.


Travellers have been delighted to see the footprint of man on a barren shore, and we love to see the waymarks of pilgrims while passing through the vale of tears.


A plan called "Shrinking the Footprint" is intended to slash the carbon emissions of Anglican buildings, from cathedrals to vicarages to church halls.


Do you know that if you can eat more veggies and less meat, you can help reduce carbon footprint?


The environmental impact and carbon footprint of farming, along with the risks of water contamination, are some of the timely and popular arguments put forward in favour of veganism.


I am a New Urbanist, a Third Life Boomer or, to the green movement, an exemplar of the new sustainable lifestyle who leaves a lighter, smaller carbon footprint on our planet by driving less, walking more and forgoing the energy-intensive life that goes with owning an edge-city McMansion and two sport-utility vehicles -- or in my case, an 80-year-old house in suburban Detroit and a turbo-charged Japanese hotrod with a fuel-economy rating of just 20 miles per gallon.

我是一个新城市主义者,一个生于婴儿潮时期、过着第三种生活方式的婴儿潮人,或者说是绿色运动中新的可持续生活方式的典范。我们这些人少开车,多走路,放弃郊区一座房子和两部SUV车的高能耗生活,在我们的星球上留下更浅、更小的碳足迹。就我来说,我放弃的是底特律郊区一座80年的房子和一部马力强劲、每加仑只能跑20英里的的日本车。本月早些时候,我卖掉了自己的斯巴鲁 WRX,搬到华盛顿特区的一座loft(译者注:工房改造的公寓)。我的生活因此发生了改变,而且仍在变化。

The scalability of the ZMS architecture is highlighted in the first Teraflop Accelerator with the footprint of an A4-sized sheet of paper, consuming less power than a desktop PC.


So he wonders: Is it possible to keep his Netflix and his car, his Wi-Fi and his subwoofers, and still reduce his carbon footprint?


With our established footprint in some of the world's most important producing and most rapidly growing commodity consuming economies,**'s commodity Derivatives team offers a customize Over-The Counter suit of commodity price risk management tools for energy, precious metals, base metals, and softs/ agriculture exposure.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
