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与 follow 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Uranus has a peculiar relationship to the pulse, and when it's in an opposition to a Sun/Saturn conjunction, hearts can follow eccentric rhythms.


Further information can be gleaned through a follow-up survival analysis, which is analogous to analysis of variance.


I'm not sure I follow the analogy.


Follow the trend of advanced analytical and design method, and apply it to the product design


Thus we read in the Confessio of Mennas: But also the letters of Pope Leo of blessed memory and the Constitution of the Apostolic See issued in support of the Faith and of the authority of the aforesaid four synods, we promise to follow and observe in all points and we anathematize any man, who on any occasion or altercation should attempt to nullify our promises.

"因此,我们在阅读该confessio的mennas :"而且还信教宗利奥的有福了记忆和宪法使徒看到,在发出支持的信念和管理局上述四主教,我们的承诺,后续并观察在所有点和我们anathematize任何人,谁在任何场合或altercation都不应该企图否定我们的承诺。

Results It was discovered that all the metacarpophalangeal fractures had been cured without infection of bone, or anchylosis through the follow-up of 3-12 months.

结果 本组骨折全部愈合,随访3-12月,无骨折再移位、畸形愈合、固定松动及针道感染等并发症发生,关节功能恢复良好。

There are no sufficient holes to follow the negative AC bias stress when high frequency is chosen. Due to the operation of the flat panel displays is under AC signal, therefore we discuss the degradation under DC and AC bias stress which include positive and negative bias stress on gate and drain of TFTs. What's more, we discuss asynchronous gate and drain bias stress on TFTs, and study the degradation mechanisms.


I know, but it's important that you follow Anderson's orders.


Though a good man at heart, Andreas finds it easier to follow orders than to question them.


The wind measure of the wind farm is very important. This thesis can offer relevant theory analysis and technical support for this. And on the follow-up study of this subject , there are the following suggestions:(1) In the multi-layer wind tower , an anemometer at 50 meters'must be install, in order to improve the precision of assessment of the new method further.


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Come Follow Me
Follow The Lights
Follow In The Cry
Hello (Follow Your Own Star)
Don't Follow
Don't Follow Me
Follow Me Now
Follow Your Dreams And Forget The Scene
Follow You Follow Me

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
