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与 follow 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her allusive style is difficult to follow.


While you may wish to travel overseas, the almighty dollar might be saying that you should follow honeymoon locations closer to home to save money.


Lent, also through the practice of almsgiving, inspires us to follow His example.


When it comes to harvesting the aloe itself, there are several steps to follow.


A macro may not follow an alphabetic character or the underscore.


You enter a list of words and definitions (or use lists from Vocab-Flash, Vocab-Flash 2, Vocab-Flash 3, Web ActivityMaker or ActivityMaker 2), then follow the simple steps to create various quizzes, crossword puzzles, shaped word searches, scramble worksheets,"secret code" worksheets, riddle activities, alphabetize worksheets, study guides, definition fill-in sheets, and more.

您所输入的字词清单和定义(或使用名单,从vocab闪光, vocab闪光2, vocab闪光3 ,网络activitymaker或activitymaker 2 ),然后按照简单的步骤来创造各种测验,填字游戏,异形词的搜索,争工作,"秘密代码"工作,解谜活动, alphabetize工作,学习指南,定义,填写在表,和更多。

And when he was passing by, he saw Levi the son of Alpheus sitting at the receipt of custom; and he saith to him: Follow me.


Altho you know the snow will follow.


During an average six years of follow-up, 33 people developed Alzheimer's disease.


In his penance, Don Quixote decides to follow the example of the great knight Amadis, commending himself to God and praying in the name of Dulcinea.

在他的忏悔,唐吉诃德决定仿效伟大骑士Amadis ,赞扬他对上帝和祈祷的名义

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Come Follow Me
Follow The Lights
Follow In The Cry
Hello (Follow Your Own Star)
Don't Follow
Don't Follow Me
Follow Me Now
Follow Your Dreams And Forget The Scene
Follow You Follow Me

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
