英语人>网络例句>focus-out 相关的网络例句

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与 focus-out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We calculate the field distribution near focus of an aplanatic system for incident ASPBs with different polarization orders and initial azimuthal angles, and based on the simulation results, we find some unique focusing properties of the beams, such as ever on-axis energy null, strong longitudinal field, and flowerlike intensity distribution at focus.


When we focus on technique, we focus at the expense of the remainder of what's here.


Monica: What we did was wrong. Oh god, I just had sex with somebody that wasn't alive during the Bicentennial.

focus,是指专注,集中精神,集中注意力的意思,当你对某人说话而对方却心不在焉你就可以对他/她说: Focus!

Students can major in fields such as communication and innovation studies (communication, facilitation and design focus), technology and agrarian development (technography and institutional focus) and rural development sociology (focus on livelihood strategies and local knowledge issues).


In Huang-Huai-Hai region, the focus was to strengthen the cultivation and management to reduce yield gap between test and field production, because there were a high scientific and technological level but shortage of water, etc. In middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region, the focus was to strengthen the ability of drainage and avoided water-logging etc. In north-eastern region, the focus was to avoid drought and high-temperature damage, sometimes spike-sprouting caused by rain pre-harvest.


Regarding the durational analysis of focus words and stressed syllables in focus words, native speakers elongate the duration of focus words in both statements and questions in any position.


Attempt to toprope the entire climb with a sustained, narrow focus fixed on your feet. With each placement, look for the best part of the hold and actually watch your foot go onto the hold in an ideal placement.(You may be surprised to know that many climbers don't see their feet go on the holds!) Maintain your focus on that foot as you weight the hold--strive to feel each foot hold and to keep your foot completely still as you stand up on the hold. Meanwhile, place as little focus as possible in other areas such as reading the route ahead, your belayer, and so forth.


Attempt to toprope the entire climb with a sustained, narrow focus fixed on your feet. With each placement, look for the best part of the hold and actually watch your foot go onto the hold in an ideal placement.(You may be surprised to know that many climbers don't see their feet go on the holds!) Maintain your focus on that foot as you weight the hold--strive to feel each foot hold and to keep your foot completely still as you stand up on the hold. Meanwhile, place as little focus as possible in other areas such as reading the route ahead, your belayer, and so forth.


His production outfit Focus Films, which made its name with the "Focus: First Cuts" initiative from 2005 that featured debuts of new directors across Asia including Ning Hao's "Crazy Stone"(2006), now launches the HK$50 million ($6.4 million) six-film initiative "Focus Fight" with Derek Kwok's "Gallants," showcased in this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival.

他的电影制作公司&映艺&从2005年开始的以培养亚洲新导演为特征的亚洲新星导,2006年推出过宁浩的《疯狂的石头》,现在发起了5000万港币(640万美元)6部电影的计划,新星导第二期Derek Kwok的《打擂台》已在今年的香港国际电影节亮相。

Low-light performance is good even without the use of focus assist lamps, and the E-300 will fire a burst from its internal flash, if raised, or turn on the focus assist lamp of an attached FL-36 flash to achieve precise focus even in complete darkness.

低光绩效没有焦点帮助灯的使用甚至很好,而且电子 300 将会点火来自它的内部闪光的一个爆炸,如果升起,或打开焦点协助一个附上的 FL-36 闪光的灯甚至在完全黑暗方面达成精密的焦点。

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Focus Shall Not Fail
Focus (Remix)
Focus (Remix)
En Focus
Fantasy Focus Theme Song

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
