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与 focus-out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International Corporation "Ford" has chosen JSC "Bor Glassworks" as the only automotive glass supplier for its plants. JSC "Bor Glassworks" supplies tinted glass for side glazing of car model "Ford Focus", assembled near Saint Petersburg.

为国际合作,福特公司选择了鲍尔玻璃公司做为他的供应商,鲍尔玻璃公司为福特Focus车侧窗供应着色玻璃,在 Saint Petersburg安装。

An earthquake's point of initial ground rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.


And, um, Gus Van Sant, Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, James Franco and our entire cast, my producers Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, everyone at Groundswell and Focus for taking on the challenge of telling this life-saving story.

还有,感谢Gus Van Sant, Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, James Franco和我们的全体演员,我的制作人Dan Jinks和Bruce Cohen,还有Groundswell和 Focus公司的所有人,他们直面挑战,讲述了这个具有拯救生命力量的故事。

Using affordable technologies such as improved aerodynamics, various electronic tweaks and low-resistance tyres, Ford's new Focus and VW's new Polo have CO2 emissions comparable to Toyota's Prius hybrid.

采用了改进过的空气动力学技术,多种电子扭转技术以及低电阻技术,福特的新型 Focus 和大众的新款 Polo 的二氧化碳排放量甚至可以和丰田的普瑞斯混合动力车相媲美。

Besides, LCD TV Advertising Narrowcasting Media is in the ascendant in strengthening further communication with target consumers and helping brands to be in dominant place in terminal marketing. The research focus on the analysis of fea

本文从分析液晶电视联播网及终端营销的特点入手,进而讨论了两者的关系,其中选择了Focus Media分众传媒公司的大卖场和商务楼宇液晶电视联播网作为代表性个案进行研究。

I chose nong Focus then, but she is now grown up a girl.


In this case the epipole has the same coordinates in all images and is called the Focus-of-Expansion, and the vanishing line of the ground plane is termed the Horizon.


Tim Burton saw the film and was so impressed by its artistic vision that he went on to produce a feature-length adaptation called 9 (2009), directed by Acker and distributed by Focus Features.

在那里,Tim Burton看到了这部作品并留下了深刻的印象。于是他着手将它制作成一部长篇电影,就是我们后来看到的《机器人9号》,导演仍然是Acker,由Focus Features发行。

On Live, pets with Focus dumps are so much better than those without, and the stat difference in pets is pretty major, so the cat + ravager issue persists.

目前,有Focus dumps 的宠物好于没有的,差异在于恰当的专长,所以猫+掠食者一直持续。

Here also you should press the "Can't focus" button to tell us to go back and rescan this movie.

你同样可以点击&Can't focus&按钮告诉我们重新扫描该影片。

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Focus Shall Not Fail
Focus (Remix)
Focus (Remix)
En Focus
Fantasy Focus Theme Song

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
