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与 flying-off 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the Philippines were forlornly battling for their existence United States bombers were flying in endless streams to Great Britain.


E.g. Flying demands a much greater supply of energy than do most other forms of transportation.


You will in a very long time to move forward in this direction, running or flying.


The Giganotosaurus , that was over a hundred feet long and as big as a house; the Tyrannosaurus, that had the strength of a locomotive and was the last word in frightfulness; the Pterodactyl or Flying Dragon - all the giant monsters of Prehistoric Ages - are gone.

Giganotosaurus 龙,长约100英尺,长的象房子一样大;暴龙,拥有机车头般的力量,世上最无畏的动物;翼龙或者说飞龙等等这些有史以来巨大的怪物都消失了。

It's hard to always spend the time I want with Zion when I am flying from coast to coast to do this and do that.


I had no idea that my wife was flying out from England to join me.


We are flying at 35,000 ft.

我们正在 35,000 英呎的高空飞行。

Let English flying and life fulling of glory.


The next day we were both flying to Washington for a breast cancer fund-raiser where she was the featured speaker.


Flying Deer Furfur: Is He Origin Of Rudolph?

飞鹿furfur :是他的起源鲁道夫?

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Flying High
Dream About Flying
Flying Sorcery
Flying With The Eagles
Flying Forward
You Send Me Flying (Cherry)
Flying On Your Own
Flying Over Bus Stops

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。