英语人>网络例句>flare 相关的网络例句

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与 flare 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are two layers of adjustable shifting vanes in the double layered shutter inlet port The short one is used to adjust the angle of flare of the blowing airflow and to shift the direction of the airflow while adjusting the long one can make the blowing airflow affix the ceiling joist or descend at an angle.


Slit the end of a waveguide, flare to 1.0x0.75 to feed a dish.


Such special arrangements are probably capable of bringing about a flare, but these mechanisms cannot account for all the observations, especially the tendency for coronal mass ejections to accompany large flares.


But, if th is w or ld i s not mere ly a bad joke, life a vul gar flare a mi d th e cool ra di an c e o f th e star s


Self-defence : Active IR and electronic jamming units; UV-26 flare/chaff dispensers in wingtip fairings.

自卫 :主动红外和电子干扰的单位;紫外线- 26耀斑/箔条掌柜在翼尖整流罩。

The company host camp product has the gas station special-purpose flare; Each kind of model leads the oil pump; Accelerator; Oil pot fluid position meter; Dives the oil pump; Each kind of oil pumping, offshore oil delivery rubber tube and PVC tube, train crane tube, fuel depot metal vlexible hose; Each kind of model flow indicator, tank car pump; Static electricity earth alarm apparatus,(PC16, PH 8) froth producer, and each kind of fire equipment; All-weather respiration valve, automobile breather valve and so on each kind of valve and fast attachment, fire resistance ventilation hat and so on 400 products.

公司主营产品有加油站专用照明灯;各种型号导油泵;加油机;油罐液位仪;潜油泵;各种抽油、卸油胶管及PVC管、火车鹤管、油库金属软管;各种型号流量表,槽车泵;静电接地报警器、(PC16、PH 8)泡沫产生器、及各种消防器材;全天候呼吸阀、汽车通气阀等各种阀门及快速接头、阻火透气帽等400余种产品。

That's what we seek as music ians: to light that tiny flare of originality and individuality .


"Why is that a flare inside the light so bright?"


That's what we seek as musicians: to light that tiny flare of originality and individuality.


The blood - red light of dawn flare d on her face.


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Solar Flare Homicide
Flare (Outro)
Solar Flare

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
