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fixed time相关的网络例句

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与 fixed time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first consequence is that the child will inevitably consider one parent "good", more willing to give in to his desires and the other parent "bad", always ready to prohibit him from doing something. But what makes matters worse is that the child, receiving conflicting messages on the same matter, does not absorb the rule. In other words, as he does not receive clear and univocal messages from the most important people, a child becomes incapable of building up stable reference points, because he acknowledges the concept that there is no such thing as fixed rules and that what parents say can be disputed. A child can also learn to exploit the different points of view to his advantage, turning each time the more permissive parent and ignoring the authority of the more severe one. This can also have important repercussions in the years that follow, because a person who has not learned specific reference points as a child, becomes incapable of respecting the simple rules even at school, at work and those of civil cohabitation. With inevitable consequences from a social and relationship point of view.


For the infeasibility or unsolvability of the "Mixed Integer Programming" formulations, this study develops a heuristic algorithm to solve "Mater Planning" problem with fixed setup cost and time.


If you remain untraceable , the institutions shall hand over the money to the State after the expiry of a fixed period of time .


We learn in particular that Charlemagne, about the year 800, took his lenten repast at 2 pm This gradual anticipation of the hour of dinner was facilitated by the fact that the canonical hours of none, vespers, etc., represented rather periods than fixed points of time.


A fixed-point DSP implementation of the decoder and the synthesizer of the real-time vocoder has been accomplished and connected with PCs.

用TI公司的40MHz TMS320C50定点DSP实现了解码与合成部分的实时处理,并与计算机连接。

You shouldn't wander about outside all day long, and it's time to get a fixed job.


The temperature of pretreatment in the study was fixed, overcame instability, of effect with variance of season and time. Observation of chromosome of anther callus in Zinnia elegans Jacq. was first reported.


Comparing with Adenophora potaninii, the endangered time, space and mechanisms of A. lobophylla are completely studied through population ecology and reproductive biology, field investigation with wide scope, long-term observation of fixed sample plots, timely observation and indoor cultivation.


Francesco Surian (1485) the Franciscans had changed the fixed altar within the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre with a mobile wooden one in order to be able to celebrate the Eucharist all the time. He also affirms that no one could celebrate without prior permission of the Franciscans who also had the key of the Aedicula.

Francesco Suriamn,西元1485年)记载:方济各会将圣墓∕复活大殿旁的官署内的固定祭台,转换成木制可挪动的祭桌,好便利随时随地庆祝感恩祭典,他又明述:方济各会士掌管著钥匙,要向他们取得许可,方能举行庆典。

Similarly, if the strong shear, which could suppress all the scattering in the quiescent two phase region, stopped, the follow-up phase separation also displayed characteristics of anisotropism and relaxation, In this dissertation, the transposed"butterfly'and"streakpattern were observed for the first time within the shear-history-influenced phase separation, which is found closely relevant to the anisotropical relaxation behavior of macromolecules. 5. The phase separation kinetics of PS/PVME under oscillatory shear was further studied on the base of that done under simple shear. It is found that, under specific temperature and strain amplitude, the occurrence of phase separation is strongly contingent on oscillatory frequency and only intermediate frequency could effectively induce phase separation; If all considered oscillatory shear could stimulate phase separation, a fixed frequency can maintain specific most probable phase size and higher frequency yields smaller phase, which makes a higher elasticity but weaker stress relaxation; Furthermore, higher frequency can produces stronger compulsory oscillation on the MPPS but won't change the mean of the MPPS. Under given frequency and strain amplitude, the phase separation kinetics dramatically depends on the phase angle of oscillation and the phase separation corresponding to different phase angle follows different dynamical process.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
