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fixed time相关的网络例句

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与 fixed time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3We obtain the analytical price formulas for vanilla, forward-start and in-progress fixed-strike and floating-strike continuous geometric average Asian options and a put-call parity under generalized Black-Scholes with time-dependent parameters by risk neutral valuation and properties of stochastic integration.


In recent 3 years, the station adopted a strategy of "adjust oneself, adapt to market" and developed the bulk goods transportation from container groupage to wagon groupage and eventually to the implementation of "five fixed" express freight train. At the same time, improvements have been made from aspects such as service, cutting price, information feedback and green channel, etc. The agents and e...

近 3年来,车站制订了"自我调整、适应挑战"方针,将零散货物运输从拼箱模式发展到拼车模式,进而到开行"五定"快运货车,同时对服务客户、运价下调、信息反馈、绿色通道等方面作了相应改进,对中介商、专用线企业进行了联合,从而使车站恢复了生机,经济效益翻了一番。

What then could be done in this case to prevent the community from being exposed some time or other to eminent hazard, on one side or the other, by fixed intervals and periods, set to the meeting and acting of the legislative, but to intrust it to the prudence of some, who being present, and acquainted with the state of public affairs, might make use of this prerogative for the public good?


FTU generally adopts a high-performance single-chip as CPU, with functions of isolated photoelectric switch of input and exchange of sampling; functions of equirements of Distr time setting , mation for Communica fixed value and calling the distance; functions of fault detection and reporting; functions of anti-environment (heat, cold, lightning, rain, dust, etc.).

mation for Communica FTU 一般采用高性能单片机作为 CPU mation for Communica ,具有带光电隔离的开关量输入和交流采样功能,具有对时功能和定值远方下装和召唤功能;具有故障检测和上报功能;具有抗恶劣环境(高温、严寒、防雷、防雨、防尘等)功能。

Since hold water, faddish immerse oneself in the research and development at P2P technology core all the time, in NAT penetrable, resource attempers, distributed node all mastered a large number of patent skills on the core technology such as fixed position algorithm, technology of order programme of long-term P2P video is accumulated, rose to transcend the technical barrier that video of long, high-definition clear broadcasts when short amortize for faddish vertical stroke, created a condition to put high-definition video on advertisement.


We, the undersigned, being all of the incorporaors named in the certificate of incorporation of trading INC., do hereby waive all notice of the Incorporator of said corporation, and do hereby agree and consent that 01 july 2007 at 1:00 o'clock this pm, be and the same hereby fixed as the time and the attorney's office of the corporation at 45 john street ,suite 711,new york,new york 10038, as the place for holding the same; and that such business may be transacted thereat as many lawfully come before said meeting.

我们所有正在签约的公司在贸易交易公司被叫做INC 特此声明我们放弃关注这几家公司并且同意在2007年下午1点在纽约约翰大街45号(邮编10038)律师的办公室内开会,同时在哪里也许会有很多合法的相关人士到场。。我尽力了应该是挺准确的[回答 2] 我们,所有的incorporaors指定的公司开业证书的贸易公司,特此放弃所有的Incorporator通知说,谨在此了解并同意,于2007年7月1点,下午1:00,和相同的时间,现定的律师办公室的公司在45约翰街、套房711,纽约,纽约10038的场所,而这种相同的;商业可能成交如期来临前说许多依法会议。

The increasing sequence in compliance with modular hierarchy number was speed optimizing sequence of minimum delay time, fixed resource expense and power dissipation in all cascade sequences of hybrid modules of TC2CLA.


"My,""is," and "thee" were from that moment, I hope, indelibly fixed upon my heart; and I have been trying to live in the reality of the message from that day forward to the present time.


"My""is" and "thee" were from that moment, I hope, indelibly fixed upon my heart; and I have been trying to live in the reality of the message from that day forward to the present time.


It's been like Niagara Falls,' said Vanguard's head of fixed-income investing, Robert Auwaerter. Industrywide, investors sank over $40 billion into bond funds in August, an all-time high for a single month, and are on pace to break that record again in September.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
