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fixed time相关的网络例句

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与 fixed time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A vicar capitular, or in his place a lawful administrator, enjoys all the dispensing powers possessed by the bishop in virtue of his ordinary jurisdiction or of delegation of the law; according to the actual discipline he enjoys even the habitual powers which had been granted the deceased bishop for a fixed period of time or for a limited number of cases, even if the indult should have been made out in the name of the Bishop of N. Considering the actual praxis of the Holy See, the same is true of particular indults.

一副主教capitular ,或在他的地方,一个合法的管理员,拥有所有权力配药所拥有的主教,在凭借其普通管辖或代表团团长的,依法按照实际纪律,他喜欢,甚至习惯性的权力,而被授予已故主教为一个固定的时间内,或为数量有限的情况下,即使indult应该已经取得了列的名字主教12月31日考虑到实际实践的教廷,也同样如此,尤其是indults。

It also demonstrates that using enzymes in other processes in beamhouse will result in decreasing of operation time and the dosage of hazardous materials such as sodium sulfide, surfactant etc, increasing of amount of fixed chrome in leather and raising yield of leather and qualities.


Through deep if misplaced affection for you: through great pity for your defects of temper and temperament: through my own proverbial good-nature and Celtic laziness: through an artistic aversion to coarse scenes and ugly words: through that incapacity to bear resentment of any kind which at that time characterised me[11b]: through my dislike of seeing life made bitter and uncomely by what to me, with my eyes really fixed on other things, seemed to be mere trifles too petty for more than a moment's thought or interest — through these reasons, simple as they may sound, I gave up to you always.

出于对你深挚的如果说是错爱了的感情,出于对你禀性上的缺点深切的怜悯,出于我那有口皆碑的好心肠和凯尔特人的懒散,出于一种艺术气质上对粗鲁的言语行为的反感,出于我当时对任何事物都能逆来顺受的性格特征 [11b],出于我不喜欢看到生活因为在我看来是不屑一顾的小事(我眼里真正所看的是另外一些事)而变得苦涩不堪的脾气——出于这种种看似简单的理由,我事事全听你的。

As remarked above, there are cogent reasons for believing that it was not a fixed quantity at the time.


Cards current early warning command and control helicopter flight performance in endurance time and the areas of radar range and performance of advanced early warning aircraft, compared to fixed-wing have a big gap.


I will probably have to have it fixed up all the time. If you wish to exit rapidly, set the indicator to 70. Check first, though, that everything is connected to the chain .


This circumstance merely indicates that at the time (post-exilic) when the consonantal text was fixed Joshua was not one work with the Pentateuch.


The correction value at that time is fixed as a learning value of a deviation amount of an injection characteristic among the cylinders.


Fixed detector data of Shenzhen is used to reveal time-varying rules of traffic flow parameters during workday, weekend and holiday as well as its fluctuation degree within 24 hours. Similarity coefficient and fluctuation coefficient are cited to show the covariation and fluctuation degree of traffic flow on different days.


The main job and contribution of this paper are as follows:Based on narrowband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, compute the cross-correlation function of FH signals from multichannels, then we get the cross power spectral density matrixCSDM Secondly, select the hops of FH signals from the CSDM via processing and analyzing the CSDM, meanwhile reduce the influence coming from noise, fixed frequency signal and other interferences; Lastly, estimating the DOA of every hop and according to the DOA, we can separate the hops, get the number of FH signals and their parameters. Propose a new method for designing the threshold in FH signal detection. This method makes it easy to get the threshold by theoretic computing and it can extremely reduce the interference of non-FH signals.Based on broadband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, get the DOA of the signals by wideband spatial spectrum estimation; secondly, separate the signals by spatial filtering using wideband beamformer; Lastly, we propose two methods for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation, one is for several constant hop-rate FH signals whose dwell-time are different and another is for a single FH signal whose hop-rate is alterable.By employing spatial interpolation in broadband signal beamforming, it can reduce the number of antenna elements and corresponding RF modules, A/D converters, etc. It can also eliminate the mutual coupling between antenna elements while getting the narrower main beamwidth and lower sidelobe level.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
